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太陽帆運作原理 -- S. Fox


How Do Solar Sails Work?

Stuart Fox, Life's Little Mysteries Staff Writer, 05/17/10

While rocket fuel has provided the energy for most space travel so far, solar energy may provide the boost for spaceships in the future. Just like cloth sails harness the wind, giant reflective sheets called solar sails can harness the sun's energy. These sheets could save fuel and provide maneuverability, but cannot function deep in space.

Solar sails work by capturing the energy from light particles as they bounce off a reflective surface, according to the Department of Energy. Each light particle has momentum, and when it strikes a reflective surface, it imparts that momentum to the reflective sheet, just like a collision of two billiard balls.

As billions of light particles hit the sheet, they push the sail strongly enough to move a spacecraft. Over time, the solar particles could keep pushing a spaceship faster and faster, allowing it to attain very high speeds, according to scientists at Argonne National Laboratory.

The sails can be as large as football fields, but are 40 to 100 times thinner than a sheet of paper, according to NASA’s Marshal Space Flight Center. Inflatable booms provide the sheets with rigidity, and tether the solar sail to the spacecraft.

Unlike rocket propulsion, which relies on a finite quantity of fuel, solar sails harness the virtually infinite propulsive power of the sun’s light, according to NASA. This limitless energy source could allow spaceships equipped with solar sails to hover and maneuver in fashions too costly for ships reliant on fuel-based propulsion systems.

However, solar sails do have their limitations. In our solar system, at distances beyond the orbit of Mars, the sun becomes too faint to push a solar sail, which limits their use deep in space, according to NASA.

The solar panels on some satellites have been used as rudimentary solar sails, but no country has yet launched a spacecraft that relies primarily solar sails for propulsion. That will change this year, when both the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and the American Planetary Society launch solar sail probes.

The Japanese probe, called IKAROS, will travel to Venus with scientific equipment, according to JAXA. And LightSail-1 will circle the Earth, testing solar sail technology, according to the American Planetary Society.

The concept of a solar sail dates back almost 400 years. Johannes Kepler, the astronomer best known for calculating the elliptical orbits of the planets, observed solar radiation creating a comet’s tail. Even then, he grasped that a sail could harvest that force just as terrestrial sails trap wind power to propel ships, according to NASA.


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日本太陽帆遨遊外太空 -- J. Hsu



Japan's Solar Sail Is the Toast of Space Science
Jeremy Hsu
SPACE.com Senior Writer,

NEW YORK – Researchers from around the world are celebrating what they're calling a new dawn for spaceflight following the success of a Japanese craft propelled by a solar sail.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency spacecraft Ikaros, which launched in May alongside the Venus-bound orbiter Akatsuki, is the first vehicle to have deployed a solar sail and successfully rode the sunlight in deep space.

Ikaros mission scientists and other researchers are discussing the state of solar sail propulsion this week at the second International Symposium on Solar Sailing at the New York City College of Technology in Brooklyn. The three-day symposium began Tuesday.

"It should have begun with a famous New York ticker-tape parade for our colleagues from Japan who took us to this reality," said Louis Friedman, co-founder of the Planetary Society, in Pasadena, Calif., which has attempted to use solar sails and is preparing for another mission.

Ikaros' solar sail, which was unfurled in June, has done more than just harness the power of the photons striking its reflective surface. It has generated electricity from the thin film solar cells embedded in its membrane, a demonstration of a possible power source for future spacecraft.

A future space sail mission potentially could use that power source to create a hybrid propulsion method that combines sailing with an ion-propulsion engine powered by embedded solar cells, researchers said.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA, sees Ikaros as a stepping-stone for a future solar sail mission to Jupiter and the asteroids, according to JAXA program manager Junichiro Kawaguchi. That mission could fly around 2019 or 2020, he added.

Ikaros also briefly demonstrated a new attitude control system that relies upon sunlight alone to navigate, rather than using up fuel in thrusters to change direction.

The new system differs from merely tilting the sail to change the sunlight angle and pressure. Liquid crystal devices mounted on the edges of the sail use very low amounts of electricity to turn on or off. The "on" setting leads to specular (or mirror-like) reflection that redirects sunlight in one focused direction, while the "off" setting leads to more-diffuse reflection that bounces sunlight off in all directions.

The different reflections created unequal forces of sunlight on the sail edges and allowed Ikaros handlers to demonstrate attitude control over the course of almost 24 hours, said Ryu Funase of the JAXA Space Exploration Center.

As Ikaros heads toward Venus, JAXA officials hope it eventually reaches the far side of the sun.


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