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英文笑話一則, 蛋頭布希... -- Shirly813_x


本文原載: 查拉圖斯特拉如是說 >> 重慶森林 >> 英文笑話一則,蛋頭布希...


( 第一部分)

A-Bian's staff to A-bian : " George Bush is on the line."

After a two-minute "shock-and awe” period...................

A-Bian : " Hello ! "

Bush : " This is George Bush."

A-Bian : " Oh my GOD! "

Bush : " No. I am not GOD. This is George Bush."

A-Bian : " Jesus Christ! "

Bush : " No. I am not Jesus either. This is George Bush, the President of United States of America."

A-Bian : "Hello! Mr. President. What can I do for YOU?”

( 第二部分)

Bush : " Now just shut up and listen, Mr. Chin. I don't have whole day."

A-Bian : " I am Chen, not Chin. Mr. President Booshi."

Bush : " Whatever! Now you listen and listen good. I understand that YOU want to send 35.000 Taiwanese marines to Iraq. Right?"

A-Bian : " Huh? Do I ? "

Bush : " You better be. You son of GUN! "

( 第三部分)

A-Bian : " Son of GUN? No, no, no, I did not do it. "

Bush : "Did what? Anyway, I KNOW everything you did, is doing, and will do. Get it? I have my CIA boys watching you and informing me of every move you make for a while ever since you became a bad boy and a trouble maker for me. Damn! (Uncle Cheney) It's such a long sentence to say. "

A-Bian : " EVERYTHING? "

Bush : " You bet! I am sending you a few photo pictures by fax RIGHT NOW! Just take a look and tell me it isn't so."

FAX MACHINE CHURNING.......................

A-Bian : "Oh my GOD!"

Bush : " Told you I am no GOD and I am not your GOD. "


A-Bian : " Please do not show these pictures to anyone. I will do ANYTHING you want me to do. I swear to GOD. "

Bush : " Cut the crap! For God's sake. Are you going to send 35,000 marines or not? "

A-Bian : " Why do you want our marines? Our marines are not good at fighting in the deserts. How about the CHINESE marines? They are the best! "

Bush : "That sounds reasonable. Shit! I don't have any DIRT on the President of China, though. You are NOT off the hook ! Give me some damn marines ! Or I will........"

A-Bian : " OK ! OK ! OK! How about 5,000? "

Bush : " 15,000."

A-Bian : " 7,500. "

Bush : " Deal! "


A-Bian : "Mr. President Booshi, for our 7,500 marines, can I get a free pass to visit America, a sleep-in in the Lincoln bedroom, and a few nuclear bombs to go? "

Bush : "Don't be greedy, you son of GUN. Do you want the photo's negatives or what? Bye! "

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英文笑話一則,蛋頭布希... 的作者不是Shirly813_x
是Shirly813_x 轉載自其他網站.本人疏忽,

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