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人類行為小百科 -- R. R. Britt


Humans: The Strangest Species

By Robert Roy Britt, LiveScience Managing Editor

Humans are arguably the most bizarre creatures in the

animal kingdom. The proof is in the many gross,

unnecessary, contradictory and simply inexplicable

things we do. And of course we're different in our capacity

to ponder all these oddities and sometimes figure a few


This romp through the LiveScience archives reveals why


Lie, cheat, fall in love, kiss, blush, have sex, die?

Have fingernails, have an appendix, an Adam's apple,

curly pubic hairs?

Part our hair, crack our knuckles, get goose bumps, shiver

when cold? Blink without noticing, see spots in our eyes,

cry when slicing onions?

Can't tickle ourselves?


Burp, fart, itch, stink, struggle to find a mate?

Get freckles, get birthmarks, hear ringing in our ears?

Spread urban legends, enjoy hearing voices, see things

that aren't there? Join cults, believe in ghosts, fall for

placebos, believe in UFOs?

Don't understand consciousness?


Yawn, sleep, dream, snore, laugh, cry, procrastinate?

Get sleepy after lunch, get sleepy after sex, can't sleep at


Grind our teeth, stress so much? Stay monogamous? Work so hard, can't handle success, don't take vacations,

die from stress?

Ignore the keys to happiness?


See, hear, gossip, talk, talk too much, can't hold our


Have big brains, got so smart, can't find our keys, get deja


Love music, love eyes, can't resist beauty, nip and tuck

so much? Fight with our spouses, wear too much perfume,

ignore our wives?

Aren't all beautiful?


Smoke, gamble, get fat, love sugar, catch the flu?

Love to be scared, have a belly button, close our eyes

when we sneeze?

Get brain freeze, hiccups, Charlie horses, zits? Feel pain,

feel the pain of others, crave violence, have culture?

Act altruistically?


Walk upright? Grow old? Turn gray? Go bald?

Are optimistic, grow more so with age? Look like our

lovers when we get old?

Hate losing, cling to bad habits, remember traumatic

events? Suppress bad memories, love to provoke anger,

act selfishly? Chase immortality?

Lose our minds?



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