Bilingual Babies Get an Early Edge
Jeremy Hsu, Staff Writer,
Bilingual parents and the experience of hearing two
languages may give babies an early learning advantage -
and all before they know how to speak.
A new study shows that bilingual babies quickly adapt to
different learning cues at seven months old compared with
babies from single-language households. The findings
may lead researchers to rethink how hearing two
languages trains the young brain, even before babies
have learned how to formulate words.
This early learning advantage may not necessarily
translate into higher intelligence later on in life. But it does
reveal that babies benefit early on from having bilingual
exposure, when they themselves still babble nonsense.
"We believe that the enhancement is due more to
perception at this age, rather than [language] production,"
said Jacques Mehler, a cognitive neuroscientist at the
International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy.
Scientists have known that babies begin absorbing some
language fundamentals before they can speak, and that
babies can tell the difference between sounds from two
sufficiently different languages. Previous studies have
also shown that regularly using two languages improves
some thinking processes among both children and adults.
However, few if any other studies have compared the
cognitive functions of bilingual and monolingual babies at
a very young age. Mehler and fellow researcher Agnes
Kovacs recruited "crib bilinguals" from families in the
Trieste area of Italy, where parents spoke to infants from
birth using both Italian and Slovenian mother tongues.
The researchers taught bilingual and monolingual babies
to look at one side of a screen in anticipation of a visual
"reward" image of a puppet, after the infants first learned
to associate a sound cue with the image. The visual treat
was then switched to the other side of the screen, so
that researchers could see how quickly babies would
learn to switch their anticipatory look to that other side.
Bilingual babies beat out monolingual babies in three such
experiments, even when the sound cues changed from
nonsense syllable combinations to a structured sound
cue, and then a visual cue. In all three cases, bilingual
babies soon learned to switch their anticipatory attention
to the other side of the screen, whereas monolingual
babies never adapted.
This clearly showed a bilingual baby advantage in thinking
that involved so-called executive function, which helps
regulate abilities such as being able to start and stop
actions. It also indicated that having early bilingual
exposure could train the mind in a more general sense,
rather than just a language-specific sense as some
researchers had suggested.
"These babies don't know how to speak yet," Mehler told
LiveScience. "No one can attribute knowledge of two
languages to them."
Whether this early learning advantage translates into later
benefits for bilingual babies remains uncertain. Mehler
pointed out that enhanced executive function does not
necessarily translate into better intelligence - and in any
case, monolingual babies have plenty of opportunities
later to exercise executive function.
"My conclusion is that it's a very particular component of
our cognitive toolbox, and early learning certainly has no
negative effect," Melher said. But despite suggestions
from other researchers, he personally doubted whether
such early bilingual training leads to improved IQ or better
test scores.
Full study results appear in the April 13 issue of the
journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
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