Modern Problem: Everyone's an Expert
Jeremy Hsu, Staff Writer,
Modern society depends on experts, or people with
specialized skills and experience in certain areas. But
scientists have found a growing number of people
challenging their expertise, even on issues where strong
scientific agreement exists.
For instance, parents and child advocates have continued
to argue that some vaccines may cause childhood autism
-- despite overwhelming medical evidence showing no
link. That has led to cases where unvaccinated children
unwittingly caused outbreaks of diseases that had largely
disappeared from modern life.
"The prospect of a society that entirely rejects the values
of science and expertise is too awful to contemplate,"
said Harry Collins, a social scientist at Cardiff University
in the U.K., in a commentary for this week's issue of the
journal Nature.
Collins suggests a possible start to a solution --
reconsidering how we think about scientific expertise.
Who's an expert?
People have different levels of expertise, Collins noted.
This can range from the lowest-level "beer mat"
knowledge of scientific facts useful for playing Quizzo or
"Jeopardy," to the highest level of professional scientists
who contribute to research.
Most people know to rely on the highest-level practicing
experts, whether they're getting medical attention for a
broken leg or finding an electrician to do the wiring in a
"I'm going to ask someone who knows about it rather than
choose my mum," Collins told LiveScience.
Even Holiday Inn Express' "Stay Smart" ads get their
humorous kick from turning assumptions about experts
upside down. "You trainers are saviors, man," says a
basketball player in one TV spot. "Oh, I'm not a trainer ...
but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night,"
responds the man working on the player's leg - to which
the player looks confused and a bit terrified.
That same bewilderment might describe scientists'
reactions to lower-level experts who have emerged on
issues such as autism, HIV/AIDS and climate change.
Public debates on these issues run the whole gamut of
scientific knowledge, and people aren't necessarily
listening to those with the most scientific expertise.
Sorting through controversy
Some non-scientists do achieve fairly good
understandings of science, whether it's "popular
understanding" from reading sites such as LiveScience,
or even "primary source knowledge" from reading journal
articles published in Science and Nature.
But work by Collins and others suggests that lower-level
experts run into trouble on disputed science issues,
without full working knowledge of the details and not
having spent years in the scientific community. That may
lead them to latch more readily onto minority scientific
opinions which don't fit well into overall scientific
understanding of a particular area.
In those cases, a person with primary source knowledge
may not understand the underlying science much better
than a chess novice understands a bishop's move, Collins
Science, not scripture
Collins added that scientists can also do better in
communicating their expertise to the public. Trying to
convey science as an absolute truth or revelation - not
unlike religious truth - ultimately backfires because
science is uncertain and constantly changing. And
besides, he noted, it smacks of hubris that most people
have little patience for.
"You do have people like Richard Dawkins and Stephen
Hawking presenting the kind of model of science that is
damaging; the old 'revelation of mystery,' doctrinaire
atheism stuff which implicitly claims that science can
authoritatively solve all cultural problems," Collins said.
Dawkins has become known as an evolutionary biologist
and outspoken atheist who often spurs controversy with
his criticism of religion. Hawking is a renowned theoretical
physicist who has written several popular science books,
but whom Collins describes as fostering a "science that
looks more like religion, including himself as an icon."
However, many scientists take great pains to carefully
stress the uncertainties of their work. That may provide
the middle road for a modest science that can impress
with its values - open debate and understanding based on
observation, theorization and experimentation.
"Science's findings are to be preferred over religion's
revealed truths, and are braver than the logic of
skepticism, but they are not certain," Collins writes. "They
are a better grounding for society precisely, and only,
because they are provisional."
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