When economy bottoms out, how will we know?
PARADIS, AP Business Writers
When will this wretched economy bottom out? The
recession is already in its 15th month, making it longer
than all but two downturns since World War II. For now,
everything seems to be getting worse: The Dow is in free
fall, jobs are vanishing every day, and one in eight
American homeowners is in foreclosure or behind on
But the economy always recovers. It runs in cycles, and
economists are watching an array of statistics, some of
them buried deep beneath the headlines, to spot the
turning point. The Associated Press examined three
markets -- housing, jobs and stocks -- and asked experts
where things stand and how to know when they've hit
None of them expects it to come anytime soon.
HOW BAD IS IT?: The U.S. unemployment rate hit 8.1
percent in February, a 25-year peak. The nation has lost
4.4 million jobs since the recession began in late 2007.
The job cuts began early last year, as the housing and
construction industries slowed down. The collapse of the
financial industry in the fall battered white-collar workers.
Soon, layoffs spread across industries and income levels.
for the job market are almost certainly still ahead. With
spending weak and credit markets stalled, experts think
the economy will probably shed a total of 2.4 million jobs
this year. That would mean an unemployment rate above
9 percent.
That would easily surpass the 2001 and 1990-91
recessions but trail the 10.8 percent rate of December
1982. Those expectations could be optimistic: The
government's "stress tests" to check the strength of
banks' balance sheets assume a 10.3 percent rate.
The job market will probably be weak for years, even if the
economy starts to turn around next year. The
unemployment rate may not fall back to its pre-recession
level of 5 percent until 2013, according to Moody's
WHERE'S THE BOTTOM?: Economist Sophia
Koropeckyj, a managing director at Moody's
Economy.com, is keeping an eye out for two signs -- an
inching up in companies hiring temporary workers and a
rise in the number of hours worked by those who have
managed to keep their part-time and full-time jobs.
When business conditions improve, employers hire
temporary workers first, she said, and a pickup in
permanent hiring wouldn't be far behind. Koropeckyj
estimated that could come in mid-2010.
HOW BAD IS IT?: The median price of a home sold in the
United States fell to $170,300 in January, down 26
percent from a year and a half earlier, according to the
National Association of Realtors.
But that figure masks the complexity of the market. Price
drops have been far steeper around Phoenix and Las
Vegas, where new homes sprouted everywhere during the
housing boom, than, say, in Detroit, where economic
problems predate the recession.
And even within a single metro area, price declines vary
sharply. Faraway suburbs, where many buyers stretched
to qualify for mortgages, have been hit harder than city
This housing crash has spread pain more widely than any
before it. Home prices fell about 30 percent during the
Great Depression, according to calculations by Yale
University economist Robert Shiller. But the nation was
less concentrated in urban centers then. And a much
smaller proportion of adults owned homes.
Other housing downturns in recent decades have been
regional. This one is truly national. Prices in the fourth
quarter of 2008 fell in nearly 90 percent of the top 150
metro areas, according to the Realtors group. And 5.4
million homeowners, about 12 percent, were in
foreclosure or behind on mortgage payments at the end of
last year.
Reserve estimates home prices could fall 18 to 29
percent more by the end of 2010. Declines will probably
be less severe in cities with healthier economies that
don't have a glut of unsold homes, like Tulsa, Okla., and
Wichita, Kan.
The nation's overall economic health is vital to the health
of housing. "History tells us that as long as we're losing
jobs, that's not good news for the housing market," said
Nicolas Retsinas, director of Harvard University's Joint
Center for Housing Studies.
WHERE'S THE BOTTOM?: Susan Wachter, a professor
of real estate at the University of Pennsylvania, is
watching the backlog of unsold homes. At January's sales
pace, it would take about 9 1/2 months to rid the market of
all those properties. A more normal pace would be six
Once foreclosures level off and the backlog is cleared,
Wachter says, the housing market can begin to recover.
But even with the Obama administration directing $75
billion in bailout money to stave off foreclosures, most
economists don't expect home prices to bottom out before
the first quarter of 2010. And don't expect an explosive
rebound: Price increases will probably be modest when
they come.
HOW BAD IS IT?: The Dow Jones industrial average and
the Standard & Poor's 500 index have lost more than half
their value since the stock market peaked in October
2007. It's the worst bear market since the aftermath of the
crash of 1929, when the Dow plunged 89 percent and the
S&P 500 index tumbled 86 percent.
HOW MUCH WORSE COULD IT GET? Analysts generally
think Wall Street has endured the worst of the bear
market. But many of those same analysts never thought
the market would fall this far.
Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank
in Chicago, said the Dow could fall to 6,000 if the
economy slows much further and unemployment rises well
past the current 8.1 percent. He pegs the likelihood of that
at about 30 percent. Others are more pessimistic. Bill
Strazzullo, chief market strategist for Bell Curve Trading,
contends the Dow might fall to 5,000 and the S&P to 500.
WHEN WILL THE BOTTOM COME?: In downturns over
the past 60 years, the S&P 500 has hit bottom an
average of four months before a recession ended and
about nine months before unemployment hit its peak.
Investors will be looking for turnarounds in housing,
lending and employment, plus signs that consumer
spending has picked up. Then market players would be
more likely to move their money from safe havens, such
as gold, back into stocks.
Other investors may look to obscure indicators such as
the Baltic Dry Index, which tracks the cost of shipping iron
ore, grain and other materials. Rising rates can indicate
demand for raw materials is increasing, which suggests a
strengthening economy.
But most of all, traders are waiting for a sudden spasm of
selling known as capitulation. That wrings fearful investors
out of the market, and as they rush out, bargain-hunters
rush in. Capitulation would trigger a huge plunge in prices
and frenzied trading volume.
Many market experts say the bottom of the stock market
could come in the second or third quarter of this year. And
the recovery, whenever it comes, could be as
breathtaking as the fall: Since 1932, the S&P 500 has
gained an average of 46 percent in the year after stocks
have hit a bottom.
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