New step reported in untangling nature vs nurture
WASHINGTON – Untangling the mystery of inherited
versus acquired traits may be a step closer. Arguments
have been long and contentious over how much people
inherit and how much they are influenced by their
Researchers led by Frances Rice and Anita Thapar of
Britain's Cardiff University focused on reports that
smoking by the mother during pregnancy increased the
chance of low birth weight and anti-social behavior in
The researchers studied 533 children who were
genetically related to the mother that carried them and
195 who resulted from egg donations and thus were not
genetically related to the mother. The children were aged
from 4 to 10 and had been conceived at clinics in the
United Kingdom and United States.
"What we have been able to confirm is that cigarette
smoke in pregnancy does lower birth weight regardless of
whether the mother and child are genetically related or
not," Thapar said.
However, that was not the case with anti-social behavior
in children, such as temper tantrums, fighting, bullying and
They found that smoking during pregnancy was
associated with higher levels of anti-social behavior in
children who were genetically related to their mothers, but
not in children of unrelated mothers.
"It is now clear that offspring anti-social behavior is more
dependent on inherited factors passed from mother to
child, as our group of children with mothers who smoked
during pregnancy with no direct genetic link showed no
increased signs of anti-social behavior," Thapar said.
"This suggests that other influencing factors such as the
mother's personality traits and other inherited
characteristics are at play during the development of a
Such findings can help guide efforts to improve children's
health, she said. For example, having the mother quit
smoking is clearly important in improving a child's birth
But it may be better to spend money on parenting skills
after birth than on arguing that quitting smoking could
improve children's behavior, she added.
The results were reported in Tuesday's edition of the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Thapar said the researchers are planning further studies
on attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, emotional
symptoms, health outcomes and stress.
"The average reader needs to be careful and clear about
what sorts of prenatal interventions are going to be helpful
for what sorts of child health outcomes, so that public
health money is spent in an effective fashion," she said in
an interview via e-mail.
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