Astronomers Detect First Split-Second of the Universe
Ker Than, Staff Writer, posted: 16 March 2006
Scientists announced today new evidence supporting the
theory that the infant universe expanded from subatomic
to astronomical size in a fraction of a second after its
The finding is based on new results from NASA's
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite,
launched in 2001 to measure the temperature of radiant
heat left over from the Big Bang, which is the theoretical
beginning to the universe.
This radiation is known as the Cosmic Microwave
Background (CMB), and it is the oldest light in the
Using WMAP data, researchers announced in 2003 that
they had pieced together a very detailed snapshot of the
universe as it was about 400,000 years after the Big
Bang, and that they had determined things like its age,
composition and development.
The previous data showed that the universe was about
13.7 billion years old. It also revealed that it wasn't until
about 200 million years after the Big Bang that conditions
were cool enough for the first stars to form. Scientists
were also able to conclude that the universe is composed
of about 4 percent real matter, about 23 percent dark
matter, and about 73 percent dark energy. Nobody
actually knows what dark matter or dark energy are,
The new WMAP observations, announced at a NASA
press conference today, reveal what the universe was
like in the first trillionth of a second after the Big Bang.
From the microwave background, researchers teased out
a new signal called the "polarization signal."
"This new signal is roughly 100 times weaker than the
signal we analyzed three years ago and about a billion
times less than the radiant warmth we feel from the Sun,"
said Lyman Page, a WMAP team member from Princeton
The researchers collected observations of this
polarization signal to create a map of the early universe,
allowing them to test a sub-theory within the Big Bang
theory, called "inflation."
Inflation theory states that the universe underwent a rapid
expansion immediately following the Big Bang.
"During this growth spurt, a tiny region, likely no larger
than a marble, grew in a trillionth of a second to become
larger than the visible universe," said WMAP researcher
David Spergel, also from Princeton University.
The new observations reveal that the early expansion
wasn't smooth, with some regions expanding faster than
"We find that density fluctuations on the 1- to 10-billion-
light-year scale are larger than density fluctuations on the
hundred-million-light-year scale," Spergel said. "That is
just what inflation theory predicts."
These fluctuations are thought to have led to clumping of
matter that allowed the formation of galaxies.
Brian Greene, a physicist from Columbia University who
wasn't involved in the research, called the new findings
"spectacular" and "stunning."
"A major question that people have asked for decades is
where do stars and galaxies come from? The answer
coming from WMAP data supports the idea that quantum
fluctuations are the answer," Greene said. "WMAP's data
supports the notion that galaxies are nothing but quantum
mechanism writ large across the sky."
The new findings brings humanity closer to answering one
of its oldest questions, that of where we come from,
Greene said.
"WMAP certainly doesn't answer this question, but its
data is taking us one giant step closer to the answer by
giving us a precise quantitative look at the universe's
earliest fraction of a second," Greene said. "It's a tiny
window of time, but it's a critical one in our quest to learn
what happened at time zero itself."
The new findings have been submitted to Astrophysical
· Universe Has At Least 30 Billion Years Left
· The Universe: Still Boggling The Minds of 'Finite Creatures'
· About WMAP and the Cosmic Microwave Background
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