Super-Predators: Humans Force Rapid Evolution of
Robert Roy Britt, Editorial Director,
Acting as super-predators, humans are forcing changes to
body size and reproductive abilities in some species 300
percent faster than would occur naturally, a new study
Hunting and fishing by individual sportsmen as well as
large-scale commercial fishing are also outpacing other
human influences, such as pollution, in effects on the
animal kingdom. The changes are dramatic and may put
the survival of some species in question.
In a review of 34 studies that tracked 29 species across
40 different geographic systems, harvested and hunted
populations are on average 20 percent smaller in body
size than previous generations, and the age at which they
first reproduce is on average 25 percent earlier.
"Harvested organisms are the fastest-changing organisms
of their kind in the wild, likely because we take such high
proportions of a population and target the largest," said
lead researcher Chris Darimont of the University of
California, Santa Cruz. "It's an ideal recipe for rapid trait
Darimont told LiveScience that while he considers the
changes to be evolutionary, some biologists consider
them phenotypic and, without evidence of genetic shifts,
would not call them evolution.
The study found dramatic change in several fish species
and creatures as small as snails and as large as bighorn
sheep and caribou.
Dominant force
The results, published online today in the journal
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, are
similar to a host of other scientific conclusions dating
back nearly two decades.
In 1990, Douglas Chadwick wrote in National Geographic
magazine how trophy hunting - the practice of selecting
only the largest beasts to kill -"has caused a decline in the
average size of Kodiak Bears [in Alaska] over the years."
By harvesting vast numbers and targeting large,
reproductively mature individuals, human predation is
quickly reshaping wild populations, leaving smaller
individuals to reproduce at ever-earlier ages, Darimont
"The pace of changes we're seeing supercedes by a long
shot what we've observed in natural systems, and even in
systems that have been rapidly modified by humans in
other ways," Darimont said. The study found the changes
outpace by 50 percent those brought on by pollution and
human introduction of alien species.
"As predators, humans are a dominant evolutionary force,
he said.
Others agree the problem is serious. Columbia University
biologist Don Melnick recently said trophy hunting is akin
to selective breeding and is "highly likely to result in the
end of a species."
Surprising ability to change
One surprise: The capacity of creatures to change.
"These changes occur well within our lifetimes," Darimont
said. "Commercial hunting and fishing has awoken the
latent ability of organisms to change rapidly."
Changes occur in two ways. One is sheer genetics:
Evolution can favor smaller fish able to pass through the
mesh of gill nets and survive to reproduce, thereby
passing on genes for smaller offspring.
Another change process is called plasticity. Shifts to
earlier reproduction, for example, can occur because
there is a lot of food and fewer fish to dine on it. The fish
eat more and reach maturity sooner.
"Whatever the underlying process, shifts to earlier
breeding spell trouble for populations," Darimont said.
"Earlier breeders often produce far fewer offspring. If we
take so much and reduce their ability to reproduce
successfully, we reduce their resilience and ability to
One specific example: the overfished Atlantic cod on the
eastern coast of Canada. Less than two decades ago,
they began mating at age 6. Now they start at age 5.
Government problem
In some cases, as other studies have found, the problem
results from decades of big-game hunting and, more
recently, poaching. Some populations of African
elephants, for example, have unnatural percentages of
tusk-free animals among them now, because hunters and
poachers favor the ivory.
But some government rules contribute to the problem.
"Fishing regulations often prescribe the taking of larger
fish, and the same often applies to hunting regulations,"
Darimont said. "Hunters are instructed not to take smaller
animals or those with smaller horns. This is counter to
patterns of natural predation, and now we're seeing the
consequences of this management."
Darimont thinks new policies are in order.
"While wolves might prey on 20 animals, humans prey on
hundreds of thousands of species," he points out. "We
should be mimicking natural predators, which take far less
and target smaller individuals."
Policy shifts may or may not save a species, however.
"It's unknown how quickly the traits can change back, or if
they will," Darimont said.
· 10 Species You Can Kiss Goodbye
· Trophy Hunting Causing 'Reverse Evolution'
· Evolution News & Features
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