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金融風暴真相 -- 數字會說話 (1) -- D. Lorimer

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Are we headed for another Great Depression?               

Doug Lorimer

Direct Action, Issue7, December 2008

"The severity of this economic contraction is a once-in-a-

hundred-year phenomenon. It really does compare in

severity to the Depression of the late 1920s and through

the '30s", Donald Brean, a professor of finance and

economics at the Rotman School of Management at the

University of Toronto, told the November 11 London

Financial Times.

Addressing his company's annual banking and financial

services conference, Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain said

on November 11 that the global economy is entering a

slowdown of epic proportions comparable with the period

after the 1929 Wall Street stock market crash. "This is not

like 1987 or 1998 or 2001", said Thain. "The contraction

going on is bigger than that. We will in fact look back to

the 1929 period to see the kind of slow-down we're

seeing now."

US President George Bush told the G20 summit in

Washington on November 15 that he had agreed to a US

$700 billion rescue plan for US financial institutions only

after being told by his Treasury secretary, Henry Paulson,

that the US was at risk of falling into "a depression

greater than the Great Depression" of the 1930s.

Speaking at a November 26 reception at the Swedish

embassy in Washington, Nobel Prize-winning economist

Paul Krugman, a columnist for the New York Times,

declared that the current banking crisis is "functionally

similar to that of the Great Depression" and many

symptoms were the same, including the "impotence" of

monetary policy to remedy financial troubles.

The current economic crisis certainly surpasses any other

experienced by the developed capitalist countries since

the Great Depression of the 1930s. "It's a perfect

economic storm, which is a combination of an ordinary

recession, housing collapse, the credit crisis and major

asset deflation", Barry Ritholtz, CEO of stock market

trading software maker Fusion IQ, told journalists on

November 20.

Massive government aid

On November 24 Bloomberg.com reported that the

financial crisis had wiped out

stock market value of the world's companies, and brought

down three of the biggest Wall Street firms, as well as

American International Group, the world's biggest

insurance company. It also reported that the "US

government is prepared to provide more than $7.76 trillion

on behalf of American taxpayers after guaranteeing $306

billion of Citigroup Inc. debt yesterday. The pledges,

amounting to half the value of everything produced in the

nation last year, are intended to rescue the financial

system after the credit markets seized up 15 months ago.

"The unprecedented pledge of funds includes
$3.18 trillion 

already tapped by financial institutions in the biggest

response to an economic emergency since the New Deal

of the 1930s, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

The commitment dwarfs the plan approved by

lawmakers, the Treasury Department's $700 billion 

Troubled Asset Relief Program. Federal Reserve lending

last week was 1,900 times the weekly average for the

three years before the crisis."

The next day, the US government announced a further

$800 billion in loan programs, bringing its cumulative

financial industry rescue initiatives to $8.5 trillion,

equivalent to 60% of the total value of the US GDP last

year. Most of the money, $5.5 trillion, comes from the US

central bank, the Federal Reserve Board. About $1.1

trillion comes from the Treasury and the rest is

commitments from the Federal Deposit Insurance

Corporation and the Federal Housing Administration.

These massive loans, and the accompanying partial

nationalisations of banks and other financial companies

implemented by the US and other governments across the

capitalist world, will probably ensure that the capitalist

financial system does not experience a 1930s-style

collapse, but at the cost of saddling the developed

capitalist economies with an even more enormous amount

of debt. This in turn will mean that the recovery from the

present global economic recession, when it eventually

comes, will be slow and anaemic.

The enormous government loans provided to the banks

have been justified by the Bush administration as

necessary to unfreeze an alleged complete lockdown in

bank lending in the wake of the September 15 collapse of

Lehman Brothers, Wall Street's fourth largest investment

bank. However, the November 17 Wall Street Journal

reported that US banks "are lending at record levels. Their

commercial and industrial loans, at $1.6 trillion in early

November, were up 15 per cent from a year earlier and 

grew at a 25 per cent annual rate during the past three

months, according to weekly Federal Reserve data.

Home-equity loans, at $578 billion, were up 21 per cent 

from a year ago and grew at a 48 per cent annual rate in

three months."

Non-bank loans

What has frozen up is not ordinary bank lending, but the

$10 trillion shadow banking system that has traded

"securities" derived from loans made by non-bank

financial firms, but backstopped by the commercial banks,

for automobile, housing and commercial real estate

purchases. As the WSJ noted, "Increasingly in the past

decade, [these] loans were packaged into securities and

sold to investors around the world — pension funds,

endowments, mutual funds, hedge funds and others.

Institutional investors gobbled up this and other kinds of

credit that didn't come via traditional commercial banks,

such as junk bonds or commercial paper … But investor

confidence in credit markets has been shattered, in part

because many debt securities performed so much worse

than their credit ratings suggested they would."

According to data examined by the WSJ, "Issuance of

asset-backed securities — instruments used to package

credit-card and auto-loan debt during the boom — was

down 79% in the year through October from last year, to

$142 billion … In 2005 and 2006, investors snapped up

more than a trillion dollars of these instruments. Junk-bond

issuance was down 66% in the first 10 months of the year

from the same period in 2007 …

"So too are bank loans to large corporate borrowers —

the kinds of loans that typically get resold and packaged

into securities. While overall banks' loan books are

growing, this kind of lending fell by 46% in the August-to-

October period from the same period a year earlier."

The global financial crisis was triggered by the deflation

from late 2005 of the US housing market price bubble,

which exposed the fact that many housing loans were

"toxic", i.e., had been fraudulently made to people who

didn't have the means to repay them.


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Mr. Lorimery金融風暴真相 -- 數字會說話》這篇文章

(Lorimery 2008),和我批評的另一篇文章一樣,作者都有(已開發國家)社會主義者不願面對的現實和無法克服的(思考)盲點。(請參考本城市《馬克思經濟學說在當下的相關性》一文。)

1.     難以面對的現實






Mr. Lorimer的大作中提到被資遣的汽車工人,也就是一個成天在家裏街頭或酒吧遊手好閒的人,「仍可拿到95%的工資」。30年前我在美國打工時,就已從報上讀到這個事實。在我進一步思考「不做工的人這95%的工資從何而來?」這個問題後,我了解到何以美國勞工階層是美國社會中最保守的一個板塊。它也幫助我了解,馬克思的社會主義理論在當下毫無「科學性」可言。因為它根本和(20世紀中期以後的)現實脫節。


美國勞工的「福利」或「福祉」,我認為(用Mr. Lorimer的言語來說)是由第三世界人民在「補助」。也就是說,它們建立美國第三世界人民經濟侵略而來的暴利上。


這是美國以及其他「已開發國家」(= 前殖民主義國家)的社會主義者不願意面對的第二個現實。

2.     思考盲點

Mr. Lorimer的大作引用了一大堆數據說明

"... many housing loans were "toxic", i.e., had been fraudulently 

made to people who didn't have the means to repay them."


"... automakers' unprecedented and unsustainable low-rate

financing deals, which amount to a subsidy for every car sold, ..."



在批評資本家或財團操縱信貸機制以牟利,來凸顯資本主義「危機」的同時,Mr. Lorimer的口氣似乎從社會主義者變成了一位資本主義現狀的「捍衛者」。

換句話說,Mr. Lorimer自己屬於既得利益階層,或許他和他的同路人只是既得利益階層的下層。當他生活的前景既得利益階層上層的貪婪危及時,他在情急之下,忘了自己所鼓吹的平等和公義。我指的是




*      Lorimer, D. 2008, Are we headed for another

Great Depression? (金融風暴真相 -- 數字會說話)




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金融風暴真相 -- 數字會說話 (2) -- D. Lorimer



Overproduction crisis

Underlying the crisis in the capitalist financial system is a 

long-term overproduction crisis in what is misleadingly

called the "real economy" — the production for profit of

goods and services. Markets for most goods and

services are simply too saturated to provide opportunities

for high profits to be made through further big investments

in their production. As a result, the super-rich families that

own the big industrial corporations, banks and other

financial businesses in the US and other developed

capitalist countries have put more and more of their

capital into financial markets, to reap higher speculative

paper profits from these markets.

The crisis in the overproduction of goods and services is

well illustrated by the huge levels of productive

overcapacity in the automotive industry. A March 8, 2003,

article in the Washington National Journal reported:

"Vehicle sales are at near-record levels in the United

States — 16.9 million in 2002 — but that is an illusory

image of success. A rising portion of those sales comes

from imports, which create no high-paying U.S.

manufacturing jobs. Moreover, automakers'

unprecedented and unsustainable low-rate financing

deals, which amount to a subsidy for every car sold, have

been artificially sustaining new-car sales. A slowdown in

sales would pose problems for the industry, because

production overcapacity haunts both US and foreign


The article pointed out that automobile manufacturers

"around the world have added about 19 million units in

production capacity since 1990 and can now build about

77 million cars and light trucks per year, according to

Autofacts, a PricewaterhouseCoopers subsidiary in

Bloomfield Hills, Mich. But consumption of new vehicles

this year is expected to total only about 56 million units.

As a result, overcapacity in the auto industry is now about

27 percent worldwide. 'At some point, something has to

give,' said David Snyder, director of business

development for Ford."

Indeed, beginning in 2005, "something" did give — the

profitability and potential survival of the three major US

automobile manufacturers. In 2005, General Motors, at

that time the world's biggest auto maker, recorded a loss

of $10.6 billion. Ford lost $1 billion that same year. In

2006, GM lost $2 billion, Ford lost $12.7 billion and

Chrysler lost $1.47 billion. Last year, GM lost a record 

$38.7 billion. Ford lost $2.57 billion and Chrysler lost $3


In the first nine months of this year, GM lost $21.2 billion,

while Ford lost $8.7 billion. GM has announced that it

would run out of cash before the end of the year. GM,

Ford and Chrysler have sought a government loan of $25

billion simply, they claim, to be able to stay in business in

2009. Without it, they warn, 2.5-3 million US jobs in the

automotive and related industries will be lost.

Union officials back CEOs

The Bush administration and a host of other US federal

politicians have argued against granting such a loan.

However, this is simply a ploy to give the executives of

the Big Three US automakers and the pro-company

officials of the United Auto Workers (UAW) union a

weapon to blackmail auto workers into accepting plant

closings, wage cuts and the slashing of health care and

other benefits.

The November 21 Detroit Free Press reported that the

UAW bureaucrats were secretly negotiating with the Big

Three to revise current labour contracts in accordance

with demands from both Democratic and Republican

congressional leaders. Testifying alongside CEOs of the

Big Three before the Senate banking committee on

November 18, UAW president Ron Gettelfinger said:

"Between 2005 and 2008 we have lost 47,000 workers at

GM and we have virtually eliminated our jobs banks

[which provide for laid-off auto workers to receive 95% of

their weekly wages] at all three companies. We had to

take the political heat for these kinds of decisions, but as

a union leadership we are proud to work with these


We may not experience an economic crisis as

devastating as the Great Depression of the 1930s, when

unemployment in the developed capitalist countries

reached 25-30%. But the capitalists and their politicians

will use the current global economic recession to deepen

their neoliberal attacks on the livelihoods and social

conditions of working people across the world. The only

way for working people ultimately to defend themselves

from this is to organise into a mass movement to take

political power out of the hands of the capitalist financial

oligarchy, establish a working people's government and

use it to reorganise the economy along socialist lines.


(請參考本城市金融危機面面觀之1 -- 紓困救市還是劫貧濟富?》一文)

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