The Big Bailout: Product of a Flawed Democracy
Heather Whipps, LiveScience's History columnist,
When the $700 billion emergency bailout of the struggling
U.S. economy was finally passed by Congress on Oct. 3
after an arduous period of political wrangling, it was
against the wishes of an overwhelming majority of the
American public.
Now, with more bailouts in the offing and Main Street still
skeptical about handing so much cash to Wall Street (and
now possibly Detroit), it's worth asking:
How the heck did that happen?
While economists, politicians and the public remain
divided on whether giant bailouts ultimately help or harm
the economy, many argue the act was simply an affront to
American democracy.
Is a government that ignores the sentiment of its people
what the Founding Fathers had in mind?
In a word, yes.
Democracy in America was flawed, on purpose, from the
Founding Fathers worried about us
When George Washington, James Madison, Thomas
Jefferson and other early leaders sat down to draft the
documents that would define the new government of the
United States, it never crossed their minds to create a
purely democratic state, historians say.
In many ways, the Founding Fathers believed that
collectively we could be - for lack of more eloquent words
- a gaggle of idiots.
Pure democracy, born in ancient Greece, allows citizens
to directly control a state's decisions by having vote on
each issue. In Athens, these votes were conducted
among an assembly of 500 citizens not elected to the
post but chosen by annual lottery.
In addition to the obvious problems of operating a pure
democracy in a large, populous territory like the United
States, this ancient system was rejected outright because
the Founding Fathers believed that the classic majority-
rules tenet of democracy could actually become
dangerous, allowing mobs of 50 percent plus one to force
their will on minority groups. Two wolves and one sheep
voting on who gets eaten for dinner does not a
democracy make, they argued.
Instead, the drafters of the constitution preferred a
system where government was run in the people's
interests but not by proxy on each issue, making the
legislative process much more convenient and speedier, if
A representative democracy in the form of constitutional
republic, with a set of individuals given the authority by
the people to run the country on their behalf, was their
Arguably, the system has worked ever since, with checks
and balances put in place to prevent anyone from wielding
too much power and to protect individual freedoms. It isn't
a pure democracy, but a functional one that, in theory, still
lets the people make decisions.
Unpopular decisions go way back
Of course, in practice, that isn't always the case.
Congressmen and women don't always vote according to
the will of their constituents and people don't necessarily
trust them to.
In a pure democracy, public opinion would have squashed
the bailout - technically called the Emergency Economic
Stabilization Act - quite easily. But it certainly isn't the first
unpopular bill approved by congress, nor will it be the last.
The beginning of this millennium alone has seen several
cases where Congress went against public opinion, the
watchdog Patriot Act of 2001 and the Iraq Resolution of
2002 among them.
It has happened earlier than that too. Several emergency
bailouts in the 1970s of American industrial stalwarts such
as Lockheed and Chrysler were unpopular but approved.
Few were happy about the military draft bill passed in the
1940s and put to use during World War II and the Vietnam
War, but that didn't stop Congress either. Even Franklin
D. Roosevelt's sweeping New Deal reforms in the 1930s
were denounced at first by the majority of the American
people, who couldn't stomach the thought of even more of
their dwindling savings frittered away to taxes.
The bailout then, as uncertain as its outcome remains,
may be unpopular but is still a part of the democratic
process as intended by the Founding Fathers, many
experts argue.
Ultimately it means that the government will sometimes
get it wrong, tick people off and make decisions that don't
seem to make sense at the time. They will also get some
things right. The Founders simply hoped that the latter
would happen more often.
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