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何以競爭造成壟斷 -- A. Myers

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How competition produces monopoly               

Allen Myers

Direct Action, Issue 7, December 2008

In its earliest stages, capitalism necessarily began from

what was provided by the feudal economy that preceded

it. This was primarily an extremely low level of

productivity, based mostly on very simple tools and

producers (peasants and artisans) with few skills.

Because capitalism is production for profit by selling to an

anonymous market, unlike feudalism, it sought constantly

to increase production. Initially this was accomplished

primarily through increasing the division of labour.

Production of a commodity that previously had been made

by a single person was divided into a series of tasks,

each performed by a different individual. In his Wealth of

Nations, published in 1776, the English political economist

Adam Smith illustrated the enormous increase in

productivity brought about by the division of labour in pin

manufacture: a single individual, Smith wrote, could not

make 20 pins in a day, but 10 specialised workers

cooperating through a division of labour could make

48,000 in one day.

As the division of labour spread and intensified within the

production processes of more and more commodities, the

tasks performed by each individual worker became more

and more simplified and standardised. This simplification 

made it easy to develop machinery that could do part or

all of what had previously been done by a worker.

For capitalists, replacing workers with machinery reduced

costs and increased output. Competition among

capitalists therefore made it compulsory for every

capitalist to introduce the latest machinery; if they didn't,

they would be undersold by those capitalists who did.

Most of the profits of a business were ploughed back in to

it, to get newer and better machinery to keep up with the

competition. Capitalist development therefore brought

about a huge increase in the productivity of human labour.

But, less obviously, capitalism was also undermining this

process. Over time, competition eliminated the less

successful capitalists and increased the size and 

economic power of the companies that survived. Towards

the end of the 19th century, major parts of the economies

of the most advanced capitalist countries came to be

controlled by a few firms, or only one. Increasingly,

monopolies dominated capitalist economies.

Monopolies are usually hugely profitable. But their profits

depend on ending greatly increased productivity.

Monopolies gain their super-profits by restricting 

production, making the supply of their product fall below

the demand. Because the product is scarce, its price and

the monopoly's profits go up (?). If a monopoly increased

production, its product would become less scarce, and its

monopoly profits would decline. So while a monopoly still

seeks technological improvements that reduce its costs, it

has less and less motive to invest in more productive

equipment (?).

Of course, the power of a monopoly to limit production is

not absolute. There is always at least a theoretical

possibility that if a monopoly gets too far behind the times

technologically, some other capitalist with new technology

might break into the industry. In particular, there is a

danger of some foreign capitalist, perhaps with support

and subsidies from its government, breaking the


It is also the case that monopolies can make things

uncomfortable not only for ordinary people but also for

capitalists operating in other areas, if the product of the

monopoly is important to their own operations. For

example, the antitrust laws passed in the United States in

the late 19th and early 20th century were not totally

opposed by all capitalists, some of whom were worried about being held to ransom by the Rockefeller family's

Standard Oil monopoly (which was partially broken up in

1911 by a Supreme Court ruling). Similarly, throughout

most of the 20th century, developed capitalist countries

that had a steel industry did everything they possibly

could to maintain it, because steel was so fundamental to

production of military equipment, and no country wanted

to be left in a situation where it relied on a potential

enemy (which was any other country) for its military


Still, there is an inherent tendency in capitalist competition

to restrict the growth of productivity and create 

monopolies (?). And the super-profits of monopolies

create a further dilemma: how to reinvest them. These

profits cannot be reinvested in the industry that created

them, because that would undermine further super-profits.

This is the fundamental economic source of imperialism,

which will be the topic of the next article in this series.



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競爭(何以反而)造成壟斷》這篇文章中我加了三個問 ? (Myers 2008)。我認為在它們之前的論述與現實不合。

Mr. Myers之所以沒有看到這些現實,正是任何從一而終者(如教條馬克思主義者)為了堅持一個說不通的理論,在思考上自然形成的盲點;或等而下之,不得不採取瞎掰硬柪的策略或手法。


我不熟悉馬克思的經濟學說(1),不知道Myers大作中我加了問號的三段論述是否直接根據馬克思著作而來。我想十九世紀的情境,的確讓人覺得資本主義危機重重。但是當初預言資本主義危機的人(如馬克思),沒有預見,也不可能預見經濟發展(規模經濟、信貸機制﹗、生產力增加、...等等)、科技發展(新技術、新產品、人口增加、人壽延長、...等等)、政治改革(民主制度、社會福利制度、財富重分配、... 等等)、以及前兩個趨勢造成的全球化和全球崛起等等因素所帶來的購買力(2)。它們都是Myers論文中三個說法在當前說不通和不符合現實的原因




1.     主要是因為我看過的部分(大概1/5到1/4的《資本論 -- 第一卷》),它們都說不通,我就沒有進一步去研讀。

2.     Myers大作中提到其他國家或政府的角色。當年歐洲和初露頭角的美國,雖然現在仍然是經濟大戶,但已不是唯二的大戶。在全球化和全球崛起時代,「壟斷」做為理論建構有其功能,但沒有什麼現實意義。


Myers, A. 2008, How competition produces monopoly, https://city.udn.com/2976/3141070

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