Threat of Punishment Works, Study Suggests
Jeanna Bryner, Senior Writer,, 12/04/08
The threat of punishment actually does stamp out
freeloaders, tending to transform them into rule-following
members of a society, a new study suggests.
The research results show how established norms and
rules in a society could keep freeloaders in check and
increase pro-social behavior, such as helping others or
sharing with them rather than looking out for number one.
In the past, studies have found that while punishing
freeloaders can increase their cooperation with others,
the punishment itself was too costly and in the end,
punishment wouldn't be worth it. These past studies were
based on short-term effects, however.
The new study shows that over the long term, punishment
gets ingrained in people's psyches in a way that causes
them to fear getting into trouble. This fear can keep
otherwise freeloaders, who would normally act as
sponges to soak up the generosity of others without
having to contribute any time or money, on the straight-
"I believe the experimental work is extremely important
and timely, as many researchers had voiced concern
whether punishment is not too costly a tool to promote
cooperation," said Karl Sigmund of the University of
Vienna, who was not involved in the current study.
Sigmund studies the evolution of cooperation among other
The research will be published in the Dec. 5 issue of the
journal Science.
Queue rules
Lead researcher Simon Gächter, a professor of the
psychology of economic decision making at the University
of Nottingham in England, gives an example to explain the
phenomenon. He recalls waiting in line for a taxi outside
of New York's Kennedy airport when someone cut in line.
Another guy in line went up and told the line-cutter he
needed to get back in the queue.
"This is punishment, because the guy was embarrassed
and turned red," Gächter told LiveScience. "It's also
costly for the guy who did it because you never know
[what could happen]."
In general, most people do wait their turn in line, and such
an enforcer isn't needed, he added.
Other examples of situations that require cooperation to
achieve socially beneficial outcomes include: voting,
paying taxes, fighting corruption, teamwork, work morale,
neighborhood watch, recycling, tackling climate change
and so on, the researchers say.
Money game
Here's how Gächter revealed the beneficial nature of
punishment over the long run: He and his colleagues had
69 groups of three individuals play money games.
Each participant received 20 tokens and had to decide
how many tokens to keep and how many to contribute to
a group project. Keeping a token meant a person gained
the token's total worth. For each token contributed, every
participant would earn 0.5 money units, regardless of his
or her own contribution.
So the cost of contributing to the group would be one
money unit, with a return on that token of only 0.5 money
units. That makes it in the participant's material self-
interest to keep the tokens. Yet if all tokens are kept by
members, each group member will earn 20 money units; if
all tokens are put into the community pot, each member
will earn 30 money units.
The participants were split into groups, with each group
playing either 10 or 50 rounds of the game and either
having the ability to punish other group members or
having no punishment abilities. For the punishment
scenario, a player could deduct tokens from others after
finding out the players' contributions.
The catch: Each point deducted reduces that punished
player's earnings by three money units and costs the
punisher one money unit.
Punishment works
The results showed there were far fewer freeloaders, or
players who kept all the tokens for themselves, in the
games that allowed punishment compared with the no-
punishment games.
Even though punishment increased cooperation, in the
10-round games, most groups fared better with more total
tokens when there was no punishment allowed.
"The reason why this works is that there are actually
people out there who are willing to sacrifice to punish the
freeloaders," Gächter said. "The freeloaders now stop
freeloading, they start cooperating more, but it also takes
a lot of punishment to get them there."
But in the longer games, punishment did pay off in the
Within the punishment scenarios, the players raked in
nearly 10 tokens more when the game was played for 50
rounds as compared with 10 rounds. In addition, players
earned a lot more in the punishment game lasting 50
rounds compared with the no-punishment game with that
number of rounds.
The earnings were so high in the long-term punishment
game because people not only cooperated more,
contributing more tokens to the shared pot, there was
also less punishment needed, so fewer tokens got
deducted from players.
"In the long run, [punishment] is not detrimental, because
the freeloaders now know there are punishers out there,"
Gächter said. "So punishment just works as a threat.
Everybody behaves nicely because they fear punishment.
Therefore, punishment is very rarely needed."
The research was funded by the University of Nottingham
and the British Academy.
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