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老朽的物質原因 -- LiveScience Staff

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A Key to Sharp Old Minds Found

LiveScience Staff, LiveScience.com

A handful of people seem to reach very old ages with

their brains remaining super-sharp. Scientists call their

brains "super aged."

But what makes them special?

In a new study, researchers examined the brains of five

dead people who were considered super aged because

after age 80 they had performed higher on memory tests

than others their age. The scientists compared these

brains to those of "normal" dead people - elderly, non-

demented individuals.

The super aged brains had far fewer fiber-like tangles 

than the brains of people who had aged normally.

The tangles consist of a protein called tau that

accumulates inside brain cells and is thought to

eventually kill the cells, the researchers explained in what

they're calling a preliminary finding. Tangles are found in

at least moderate numbers in the brains of all elderly

people, but they are much more prevalent in the brains of

Alzheimer's disease patients.

"It was always assumed that the accumulation of these

tangles is a progressive phenomenon through the aging

process. But we are seeing that some individuals are

immune to tangle formation and that the presence of

these tangles seems to influence cognitive performance,"

said said Changiz Geula, principal investigator of the

study and a research professor of neurology at the

Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease Center at

Northwestern's Feinberg School.

The findings were presented yesterday at the Society for

Neuroscience annual meeting in Washington, D.C.

Geula said the lower number of tangles in the super aged

appears to be the critical difference in maintaining

memory skills.

Some of the super aged in the study performed memory

tasks at the level of people who were about 50 years old.

For example, after being told a story, they were able to

remember it immediately after and still accurately recall

its details 30 minutes later. They also remembered a list

of 15 words and recalled these words equally well when

tested after 30 minutes.

Geula said new research will focus on what makes cells

in super aged brains more resistant to tangle formation.

"We want to see what protects the brains of these

individuals against the ravages that cause memory loss,"

he said. "Understanding the specific genetic and 

molecular characteristics of the brains that makes them

resistant, someday may lead to the ability to protect

average brains from memory loss. "

·           5 Ways to Beef Up Your Brain 

·           Greatest Mysteries: How Does the Brain Work? 

·           Top 10 Mysteries of the Mind 



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為什麼人老了記性會衰退 -- M. RITTER


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Brain scans show root of memory glitch with aging


NEW YORK – Brain scans of older people in a noisy lab

machine give biological backing to the idea that 

distraction hampers memory with aging, researchers

reported Wednesday.

The finding bolsters a theory about one reason why

memory weakens with age: older people have more

trouble remembering some things because they're more

easily distracted when they try to learn them.

The memory exercise reported in the latest issue of the

Journal of Neuroscience dealt with recognizing faces, but

the findings apply to the more general task of trying to

remember something a person sees or hears, said lead

author Dale Stevens.

Stevens, a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University,

did the work while at the Rotman Research Institute at

Baycrest, which is affiliated with the University of


Older people who have to learn something should do all

they can to focus on that task and eliminate potential

distractions, he advised.

The study compared 10 healthy people in their 60s and

70s to a dozen younger volunteers, ages 22 to 36. Their

brains were scanned while they looked at photographs of

people they did not know. As each photograph was

displayed for one second, the volunteers were asked if

they'd seen it before in the study.

In all they saw 180 different faces, of which 120 showed

up a second time. The older participants failed to

recognize a face they'd already seen 43 percent of the

time, compared to 26 percent for the younger volunteers.

Researchers went back to see what was going on in the

brains of the volunteers when they first saw a face that

they later failed to recognize. Why didn't those faces get

planted in memory?

In both groups, a brain area called the hippocampus,

which is involved in memory, was less active when a face

failed to stick in the memory than when it did. That was no

surprise. More interestingly, the older group also showed

heightened activity in certain other brain areas while the

younger volunteers did not.

Those areas included the auditory cortex, which plays a

role in analyzing sound, and several areas involved in

directing attention, Stevens said.

So what was going on? The brain-scanning machine was

noisy, with lots of knocking, buzzing and banging like a

jackhammer, Stevens said. Even with the earplugs the

volunteers wore, "it's a little distracting," he said.

The brain activity in the older volunteers shows that the

noise was more distracting to them than to the younger

participants, and reveals the brain circuits involved,

researchers concluded.

The study could not address when a person's brain starts

to act up this way. But Cheryl Grady of the Rotman

institute, another author, said she suspects it may begin

between ages 40 and 60.

Dr. Barry Gordon, a neurology professor and memory

expert at The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions in

Baltimore, called the work "an appreciable advance." A

next step could be seeing whether older people will do

better on a memory test if they're warned about the

distraction problem, said Gordon, who wasn't involved in

the new study.

In any case, he said, "if you want to remember something,

it's more important if you're older than younger not to be

listening to your iPod."

On the Net:

The Journal of Neuroscience: http://www.jneurosci.org/



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