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金融危機面面觀之1 -- 紓困救市還是劫貧濟富? -- An Interview with Naomi Klein

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Naomi Klein on the Bailout -- Profiteers and the Multi-Trillion-Dollar Crime Scene

“The more details emerge, the clearer it becomes that

Washington’s handling of the Wall Street bailout is not

merely incompetent. It is borderline criminal,” says Naomi

Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine.

Amy Goodman: World leaders from nearly two dozen

countries met in Washington over the weekend to discuss

plans to increase regulation of international financial

activity. They acknowledged that a failure of market

oversight in countries like the United States had

precipitated the financial crisis.

Meanwhile, here at home, it’s been a month into the Bush

administration’s more than $700 billion bank bailout. Last

week, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson outlined a new

bailout strategy intended to boost consumer borrowing

and promote financing for companies that give out loans.

President-elect Obama’s transition team is reportedly

working on improving the management of the bailout come

January 20th.

But that’s two months away and according to the

Washington Post, with $290 billion already committed, the

Bush administration has taken no action to fill

congressionally-mandated independent positions to

oversee how the bailout is used.

According to Naomi Klein’s latest article in The Nation,

“The more details emerge, the clearer it becomes that

Washington’s handling of the Wall Street bailout is not

merely incompetent. It is borderline criminal.” The article

is called “In Praise of a Rocky Transition.”

Naomi Klein, investigative journalist, author of The Shock

Doctrine, joins us now from Toronto, Canada.

Welcome to Democracy Now!, Naomi.

Naomi Klein: Thanks so much, Amy.

Amy Goodman: “Criminal”? Explain.

Naomi Klein: Well, there’s a few elements now that are

being described as illegal that we’re finding out.

First of all, the equity deals that were negotiated with the

largest banks and also some smaller banks, representing

$250 billion worth of the bailout money, this is the deal to

inject equity into the banks in -- to inject capital into the

banks in exchange for equity. The idea was to address

the so-called credit crunch to get banks lending again. The

legislation that enabled this was quite explicit that it had to

encourage lending. Barney Frank, who was one of the

architects of that legislation, has said that it violates the

act if the money is not going to that purpose and is

instead going to bonuses, is instead going to dividends,

going to salaries, going to mergers. He said that violates

the acts, i.e. it’s illegal.

But what we know is that it’s going precisely to those

purposes. It is going to bonuses. It is going to

shareholders. And it is not going to lending. The banks

have been quite explicit about this. Citibank has talked

about using the money to buy other banks.

Then there’s other aspects of this that are borderline

illegal. We found out that in the midst of the crisis, the

Bush -- the Treasury Department pushed through a tax

windfall for the banks, a piece of legislation that allows the

banks to save a huge amount of money when they merge

with each other. And the estimate is that this represents a

loss of $140 billion worth of tax revenue for the US

government. Many tax attorneys who were interviewed by

the Washington Post said that they felt that the way in

which the Treasury Department went about this by

unilaterally changing the tax code was illegal, that this had

to be -- this had to include Congress. Congress only found

out about it after the fact.

There’s another piece of this puzzle that is also borderline

illegal, which is that in addition to the $700 billion that we

are discussing, the $700 billion bailout, there’s another $2

trillion that’s been handed out by the Federal Reserve in

emergency loans to financial institutions, to banks, that

actually we don’t really know who they’re handing the

money out to, because, apparently, it’s a secret. They

could be handing it out to a range of other corporations --

I think they are -- but they’re saying that they won’t

disclose who has received these taxpayer loans,

because it could cause a run on the banks, it could cause

the market to lose confidence in the institutions that have

taken these loans. Once again, that represents an

additional $2 trillion.

The other thing that the Fed won’t disclose is what they

have accepted as collateral in exchange for these loans.

This is a really key point, because, of course, at the heart

of the financial crisis is -- are these so-called distressed

assets. The value of these assets is enormously

controversial. They may be worth very little. So if the Fed

has accepted distressed assets as collateral in exchange

for these loans, there’s a very good chance the taxpayers

aren’t going to be getting this money back. So Bloomberg

News has launched a lawsuit in federal court to find out

who has received the loans and what has been accepted

as collateral, because they believe that this lack of

transparency is illegal. So that’s why we’re calling this the

trillion-dollar crime scene” or the “multi-trillion-dollar crime

scene.” And they’re really challenging lawmakers to call

them out, the Treasury is.

And I think, you know, Amy, the last time I was on

Democracy Now!, we were talking about Henry Paulson’s

original three-page proposal, the $700 trillion stickup,

where he basically said, “Give me $700 trillion. Don’t ask

any questions. I can never be challenged by any arm of

government or any court of law.” Now, that aspect of the

bailout was supposedly dealt with, and we were all

reassured that there was going to be transparency,

accountability, legality. But now we’re finding out that, in

fact, Henry Paulson has achieved his original goal by

stealth, because there is no accountability, and

lawmakers are very hesitant to challenge this, because they’re afraid of causing a run on the banks, of causing

more market instability. So, essentially, what the Bush

administration has done is said, you know, “We dare you

to challenge us and be responsible for the great

depression.” And the Democrats, not known for their firm

spines, have so far failed to challenge them in anything

other than rhetoric.

Amy Goodman: And what’s very interesting about this, of

course, as I talked to you before the election, but now the

election is over, and the Democrats are not in a weaker

position, but in a far more powerful position, and they are

meeting this week.

Naomi Klein: Right. They actually -- they have a lot of

leeway in which to act on this. You know, if Barney Frank

means what he says, that this violates the act, then of

course they can challenge the deals that have already

been signed, these terrible equity deals that are so much

worse than what Gordon Brown negotiated in Britain. I

mean, let’s remember, Gordon Brown got voting rights at

the banks that they bailed out, seats on the boards, 12

percent dividends for US tax -- for UK taxpayers, as

opposed to the five percent negotiated in the US and no

voting rights and no seats on the board. Other thing

Gordon Brown did is he got it in writing that the banks had

to start lending, as opposed to Henry Paulson, who didn’t

get it in writing, and the banks are not lending. 

So, there is room to move, but, you know, the logic that

has really gripped lawmakers is that they can’t rock the

boat. And we hear this across the board, really, in the talk

of, you know, who to appoint as Treasury Secretary, how

to approach economic policy in this period. We hear all

these phrases -- you know, continuity, smooth transition.

And really, that’s code for more of the same, because

what the market wants is for there not to be tough

regulation, is for the free money to keep flowing. What will

upset the market, what will create a rocky transition, is if

it’s clear that there’s a new sheriff in town, that they’re

going to have to follow the law, that they’re going to cut

off all of this corporate welfare, there’s going to be real

accountability, real conditions attached to the money. You

know what? The market really doesn’t want that.

Unfortunately for the market, voters have just voted for

change. They voted for a candidate who really turned the

election into a referendum on this economic policy of

rampant deregulation. So you’ve really got a problem

here. How do you reconcile the market’s desire for status

quo with the voters’ demand for real change? There is no

way to do that without a few bumps along the way. And

I’m quite concerned that what we’re seeing from Obama’s

team is an accepting of this logic that they need to give

the market what it wants, which is continuity, smooth

transition, which is really just code for more of the same.

And when you hear names like Larry Summers being

bandied about for Treasury Secretary, that’s feeding the

market exactly what it wants, which is more of the same.

Amy Goodman: Naomi Klein, I wanted to go more to these

-- what you’re calling “borderline criminal” deals, the

Washington Post revealing as part of the bailout,

lawmakers changed Tax Code Section 382, which limits

the kinds of tax shelters companies can use to -- during

corporate mergers, created to stop companies who avoid

paying taxes by acquiring shell companies valued by the

losses on their stocks. And then, going on in the piece, it

says congressional aides admitted lawmakers agreed to

keep the change hidden to avoid public outrage. Staffers

with Senate Finance Committee chair, Max Baucus, a

Democrat, reportedly asked that an administration briefing

on the tax code change be kept secret. One

congressional aide said, “We’re all nervous about saying

this was illegal because of our fears about the

marketplace. To the extent we want to try to publicly stop

this, we’re going to be gumming up some important deals.”

Naomi Klein: Right. I mean, this is -- that’s an incredible

statement, Amy, because really what they’re saying is, we

can’t afford to enforce the law, because there is an

economic crisis, that somehow, because there’s an

economic prices, legality is a luxury that Congress can’t

afford. That is a very scary statement. But this is what I

mean by this logic that you have to -- you know, the

market, particularly a bear market, has the temperament

of an ill-tempered two-year-old. I mean, it throws temper

tantrums whenever it doesn’t get what it wants, whenever

it is frightened. So it is really dangerous to pander to the

tastes of the market in this period. It needs a little bit of

tough love. That’s what people have voted for. But there

will be a temper tantrum if there is a clear message that

the law is going to be followed.

So, we find out that there has been this backdoor, illegal

tax break handed over to the banks. And, by the way,

Amy, this is an example, a classic example, of what I call

disaster capitalism or the shock doctrine -- right? -- where

the banks had been pushing for this tax break for many,

many years, they weren’t able to get it through during

normal circumstances, but in a crisis they push it through

the back door when everybody is focused on -- well, at

the point that they pushed this through, which was

September 30th, this was the worst of the economic crisis

and people were focused on the collapse of Lehman, and

they were focused on the fact that they couldn’t get the

bailout legislation through. So nobody even noticed this

until it was too late.

And so, this is what I mean by the strategy of the Bush

administration, is now they are saying to Congress, “We

dare you to stand in the way of these bank mergers,

because if you do that” -- because the tax break that they

handed out is what encouraged a wave of bank mergers.

And I really do think it is worth pausing to question this

idea that what Treasury should be doing at this point is

encouraging very large bank mergers, because one of the

other problems that, you know, is at the root of this crisis,

and certainly at the root of this unprecedented bailout, is

that you have so many banks that are considered too big

to fail, right? So why is it that we are not questioning this

solution, the so-called solution to the crisis, which is

creating even bigger banks, banks that will, once again,

be too big to fail?

We’re really heading to a future where there will be, you

know, three or four large banks, all of them too big to fail,

which means that if they take more -- they take more and

more risks, which nobody is asking them not to. It’s

important to understand that in exchange for the bailout

money, the banks are not being told that they can’t carry

the incredible leverage rates that we saw, for instance, at

Bear Stearns, thirty-three to one. They aren’t being told

that they can’t invest in these high-risk, complex financial

instruments. They can still do whatever they want, but

now they’re even bigger, which means that if they get

themselves into trouble again, they will be bailed out

again. So why is it that the government is cutting their

taxes to encourage these mergers? The Democrats are

saying, “Well, we can’t do anything now, because if we

do, we will gum up these deals.” So I think we should

question all of it. Across the board, I think the

assumptions are faulty.

Amy Goodman: Naomi Klein, we have to break. but we’re

going to come back to this discussion. I also want to talk

to you about your piece in the Rolling Stone, “The Bailout

Profiteers.” And after that, we’ll be joined by a former CIA

analyst and the president of the Center for Constitutional

Rights to talk about President-elect Obama’s transition

team, when it comes to intelligence, deeply involved in the

whole issue of the politicization of intelligence in the lead-

up to war and in justifying the renditions. This is

Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, the War and

Peace Report. We’ll be back with Naomi Klein in a minute.


-- Yotu論壇提供】

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資源分配權的爭奪戰 -- 《面面觀》讀後


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這篇專訪可以和David Finkel那篇《金融崩盤與社會主義者的回應》(Finkel 2008)對照著讀


1.     事情不能只看表面的演出或發展。

2.     爭奪資源分配權是一個自然現實造成的結果。








*      Finkel, D. 2008, 譯者林垕君,《金融崩盤與社會主義者的回應》,https://city.udn.com/2976/3114835?tpno=0&cate_no=81134

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金融危機面面觀之2 -- 改弦易轍還是變本加厲? -- An Interview with Naomi Klein


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Amy Goodman: […] We’re also broadcasting across

Canada on community radio stations, where Naomi Klein

is, in Canada, in Toronto, the award-winning journalist,

syndicated columnist, author of the bestseller The Shock

Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Her last piece

in The Nation is called “In Praise of a Rocky Transition.”

And the piece before that is in Rolling Stone; it’s called

The Bailout Profiteers.” Naomi Klein, lay them out.

Naomi Klein: Well, what I do in the Rolling Stone piece is

talk about the really uncomfortable parallels between what

we saw in Iraq in the Green Zone and what we’re seeing

in the US Treasury. It’s sort of the Green Zoning of the

US Treasury. If we think about the way the Bush

administration handled the occupation of Iraq, the working

assumption was that everything that could be privatized,

everything that could be outsourced, would be

outsourced. And it has been very much a corporate war,

as you well know. But at the same time, the handing out of

the contracts in the early days was done very, very

quickly, because, of course, there was this manufactured

emergency that we all know was based on lies, in

retrospect. But that was used, that state of emergency

was used to justify no-bid contracts, to justify the fact that

there was very little oversight of the contractors.

And we’re seeing all of this repeat now, but just on such a

massive scale, such a larger scale. First of all, when

Henry Paulson and Neel Kashkari, his deputy, announced

the $700 billion bailout, they also announced that they

would be outsourcing all of the work. They have handed

out the work to many of the banks and Wall Street law

firms that really created the crisis in the first place. But in

the same way, there’s also been very little competition for

these contracts. They were handed out very quickly. And

at the same time, as we were discussing earlier, there is

very little oversight over the process.

So, just to give you one example that I discuss in the

Rolling Stone piece, there’s the general contractor, the

really big contracting -- it’s kind of the Halliburton of

Treasury contracts -- went to the bank, Bank of New York

Mellon. Bank of New York Mellon, by the way, is one of

the nine banks that got the equity deals, the cash

injections in exchange for equity. And they are also very

deep in this derivatives mess themselves, but they have

been hired to handle a huge part of the bailout. So what I

argue in the piece is that we actually have it backwards. 

It’s not the banks that have been partially nationalized; it’s

Treasury that has been partially privatized by the very

banks that created the crisis in the first place.

One of the things that’s really extraordinary about the

Bank of New York Mellon contract is that, unlike the

Halliburton contract or the Bechtel contract or the

Blackwater contract, we actually don’t know how much it’s

worth. It’s quite extraordinary. It’s redacted. The part of

the contract that would tell taxpayers how much of their

money is being given to this bank and how they’re

calculating the payment for Bank of New York Mellon is all

blacked out. I was reassured by Treasury three weeks

ago that they would be disclosing that information within

days. They still haven’t disclosed it.

Another contract that I look into in the Rolling Stone piece

is for the first law firm that received a contract to advise

Treasury on the equity deals, on those key equity deals

that we’ve now found out are such bad deals, the ones

that didn’t get it in writing that the banks were supposed to

start lending, the ones that only got five percent dividends

for US taxpayers when Britain got 12 percent. Well, the

bank that got the -- sorry, the law firm that got the contract

to advise Treasury is called Simpson Thacher Bartlett.

This is a Wall Street heavy-hitter firm. They’ve negotiated

some of the largest bank mergers in recent years. And

what we discovered in researching this piece is that Bank

of -- is that Simpson Thacher had represented seven of

the nine banks that received the equity deals that they

were advising Treasury on. And, you know, what’s

important to understand is that these banks that Simpson

Thacher represents on other matters represent far more

of their revenue than US Treasury. So what I am arguing

is that they are in a very large conflict of interest,

because they really are a bankers’ law firm, not a public

interest law firm.

Amy Goodman: Naomi Klein, can you talk about what is

happening right now in Washington, what took place over

the weekend, the meeting of the G20 

Naomi Klein: Well, you know, this was an epic lost

opportunity, Amy, because I think a lot of people assume,

certainly assumed originally, that what would come out of

this catastrophe, what would come out of this crisis,

would be a re-examination of some of the thinking that

has underpinned so much of economic policy in the past

thirty years. And, as I said earlier, Barack Obama turned

his election campaign into a referendum on the mania for

deregulation and free trade and really less trickle-down

economics. He said the idea of giving more and more to

the people at the top and waiting for it to trickle down to

the people below, and that really resonated with voters,

and they elected him on that platform. And let’s remember,

Amy, because this really is about democracy, that his

campaign turned around when the economic crisis really

hit Wall Street. He was losing ground to McCain when the

crisis hit Wall Street, and Obama started using this

language of really putting the ideology of deregulation on

trial. That’s when his numbers turned around. That’s when

he went on his winning streak that took him all the way to

Election Day. And so, I think that there has been this

assumption that, OK, now we’re going to fix it.

But if we look at what just came out of the G20 summit,

it’s really been a reassertion of the very -- this very

ideology of deregulation. On the one hand, you have the

statement that you started the program with, where the

world leaders said that this crisis was born of the shadow

banking industry, not enough oversight, not enough

regulation, too much complexity. At the same time, when

they talk about solutions, they’re calling for resurrecting

the failed World Trade Organization talks that collapsed

this summer. And we heard, if you recall, this summer,

when the Doha talks collapsed, that globalization and the

Washington Consensus were dead, because developing

countries had rejected it.

The other thing that they’re calling for is a greater role for

the International Monetary Fund. And it’s important to

understand that the reason why the International

Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization and the

whole free trade agenda, generally, has been in collapse

in recent years is because countries around the world are

no longer willing to accept the conditions attached to

joining this club, the conditions attached to an

International Monetary Fund loan. In reasserting a greater

role for the International Monetary Fund, in calling for the

World Trade Organization talks to get back on track,

these world leaders are actually calling for more financial

market deregulation, more of the same.

I’ll give you one example: the Doha talks. Although much

of the focus has been on agricultural subsidies, part of the

Doha talks is about financial sector deregulation and the

push, particularly from Britain and the United States, for

countries like China and India to open up their financial

services markets to US and British and European

companies who want into these markets. And what’s

really striking is that you hear this language of anti-

protectionism, you know, that we can’t turn away from

free trade. What this really means, Amy, is that Citibank

and Barclays want to go into China, want to go into India,

and they want to buy up Chinese and Indian banks, they

want to get into these markets. But what’s so incredible in

this moment is the hypocrisy, just the rampant hypocrisy,

because Barclays and Citibank and all of the other banks

that would benefit from this type of free trade are of

course the very banks that are receiving massive state

protection from their own governments in the form of the

bailouts that we’ve just been discussing. So these sort of 

corporate welfare bums now want to use the language of

anti-protectionism to go into other countries and buy up

their assets, but, of course, they are being subsidized so

heavily by their own taxpayers. So it’s a moment of high


It’s also a moment of, as I said at the beginning, lost

opportunities, because -- just to give you one example,

think about what these leaders could do if they really

wanted to, in terms of collaborating to harmonize

regulation, so that banks were no longer able to pit

governments against each other for who could offer the

lowest taxes, who could give them the best tax havens,

who could offer the lowest regulation. There was just a

hearing on Friday about hedge funds that Henry Waxman

convened. And before those hearings, we heard from one

of the wealthiest hedge fund owners in the country, Ken

Griffin, who’s actually an Obama supporter. Ken Griffin, a

billionaire hedge fund owner -- he owns Citadel

Investment -- was asked by the committee whether he

believed that hedge funds were sufficiently regulated and

whether they should be more highly taxed. What Ken

Griffin said was that if that happened, there would be

even more jobs in the financial industry in the United

States lost to Britain. And he talked about how his heart

breaks when he goes to Canary Wharf in London and

sees how many good jobs have been lost to Britain, which

has, in many ways, lower -- less regulation of hedge


But what’s so striking about that, Amy, is that it would be

so easy in this moment for the US government and the

British government to actually harmonize their regulations

so that they could -- so that companies like Citadel

Investment and other hedge funds would really have

nowhere to run. And when you have a crisis like this,

which so clearly shows the need for those types of

regulations, when you have an election like there just was

in the United States, where people have said clearly that

this is a priority, the leaders have an opportunity to act

and to close down these tax havens, to prevent this ability

of governments to be pitted against one another, and

have a race to the top as opposed to a race to the

bottom. But they blew that opportunity, and they actually

called for less regulation.

Amy Goodman: Just underscoring what you wrote on the

whole issue of the difference in the bailouts, the British

Prime Minister Gordon Brown extracting meaningful

guarantees for taxpayers, voting rights on banks, seats

on their boards, 12 percent in annual dividend payments

to the government, a suspension of dividend payments to

shareholders, restrictions on executive bonuses, a legal

requirement banks lend money to homeowners and small

businesses. Here in the United States, Washington Post

reporting major US banks are on pace to spend more than

half their bailout money on rewarding their shareholders.

The thirty-three banks are set to receive some $163

billion in government bailouts; half of that sum will go to

paying off shareholders over the next three years.

Naomi Klein: Yeah, this bailout is really not a bailout at all;

it’s a parting gift to the people that the Bush -- that

George Bush once referred to jokingly as “my base.” You

know, in one of my columns recently, I likened it to what

European colonial rulers used to do when they finally

realized they had to hand over power; they would loot the

treasury on the way out the door.

And the reason why there has been this dramatic change

in policy just in recent days, where Henry Paulson has

said, “OK, well, we’re not going to do what we originally

had said at all,” which is use the bailout money to buy

distressed assets, to buy bad debts, “Now we’re going to

go from these equity deals with the banks to bailing out

credit card companies” -- the reason for that is that that

first $250 billion was essentially money down the drain.

They are admitting that it didn’t do what it was supposed

to do, which was increase lending. So, now they’re

making it up as they go along. It’s take three, take four,

take five. But we’re supposed to somehow not notice that

$250 billion, an astronomical sum, was just wasted, going

to bonuses, going to shareholder payouts, going to CEO

salaries. And now they’re trying another method to get

lending going. But it really was the parting gift, Amy.

And if we think about what this money means, and this is -

- you know, this crisis isn’t over, and the same people

who justified this bailout, who clamored for this bailout,

are the very people who are going to turn around and say

to Barack Obama, “We can’t afford for you to make good

on your election promises. We can’t afford universal

healthcare. In fact, we can’t afford what meager services

Americans get in exchange for their tax dollars, like Social

Security payments.” We’re already hearing this lowering

of expectations now in the national discourse. So, the

money -- this really is, you know, reverse Robin Hood

gone mad. The money has been given to the people who

needed it least, and it’s going to be used to justify

austerity measures imposed against those who need it

most. It’s going to be used to justify cuts to food stamps.

It’s going to be used to justify cuts to Social Security, to

healthcare, let alone being used to justify why more

ambitious plans for a national healthcare program, for

green energy are not affordable. So people have to be

ready for this. You know, the next shock is yet to come.

Amy Goodman: Your final thought, this, on the bailing out

of the auto industry, the Big Three in Detroit, starting with

General Motors?

Naomi Klein: Well, obviously, it shouldn’t be a blank

check. You know, I always think about what the

International Monetary Fund does when developing

countries come and ask for a loan. Think about what

they’re doing right now. The International Monetary Fund

says, “You want a loan? Well, here’s our list of

conditions.” They used to call it structural adjustment. The

same thing could be done to the auto industry. If they’re

coming for a bailout, they should be structurally adjusted,

and taxpayers should be playing IMF to the auto industry

and insisting that they change the way they work, that

they build green automobiles, that they protect jobs. It

can’t simply be a blank check.

That said, what’s really disturbing is the way the Bush

administration appears to be using the desire among

Democrats to bail out the auto industry to horse trade the

free trade deal with Colombia. You know, what we’re

really seeing, Amy, is a resurrection of the entire free

trade -- discredited free trade agenda. This crisis being

used -- the shock of this crisis being used to resurrect all

of these discredited deals. The Colombia free trade deal,

the International Monetary Fund, the Doha round, they’re

all coming back from the dead at precisely the moment

that we should be actually burying, for good, this whole

agenda of deregulation.

Amy Goodman: Naomi Klein, I want to thank you for being

with us, award-winning journalist, syndicated columnist,

author of the bestseller The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of

Disaster Capitalism. Her latest piece is in The Nation; it’s

called “In Praise of a Rocky Transition.” Before that, in

Rolling Stone magazine, and that’s called “The Bailout

Profiteers.” This is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org,

the War and Peace Report. Naomi was speaking to us

from the CBC TV studios in Toronto.

-- Yotu論壇提供】

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