Cabinet: Middle-of-the-roaders' dream
HENDERSON, 12/19/08
CHICAGO — President-elect Barack Obama spent the
campaign fighting the notion that he’s an unabashed
Now he can point to Exhibit A: a Cabinet that’s a middle-
of-the-roader's dream.
Consider the scorecard: The centrist Democratic
Leadership Council claims ties with half the group.
Movement progressives count a single one, California
Rep. Hilda L. Solis, a union favorite, at the Labor
But if Obama gives with Solis, he takes away with free
trade advocate and former Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk, no
union favorite, for trade representative.
Classic Obama, some grumbled.
Barack Obama has never made any bones about it: He is
a moderate,” said Matt Bennett, co-founder of Third Way,
a moderate public policy think tank. “People who ignored
that did so at their peril.”
Obama’s Cabinet, which will be rounded out Friday with
formal announcements for labor and transportation, is
politically moderate and ethnically diverse. There are Ivy
Leaguers and hoopsters, loyalists to Hillary Rodham
Clinton and longtime allies of Obama, and Midwesterners,
Westerners and New Yorkers. Texans filled 43’s White
House, but not 44’s, with just one in Kirk.
And for a guy who complained plenty about broken
politics, roughly half his picks are current or former
Whatever critics think of it, he did it fast — the fastest in
modern times, according to the nonpartisan White House
Transition Project, an organization of academics who
study presidential transitions. Obama has said he wants
to hit the ground running, with the country in recession.
He’s getting on a plane Saturday for Christmas in Hawaii,
which has a way of focusing the mind, too.
The Cabinet includes 15 executive departments, including
homeland security, health and human services and
defense. Other appointees, such as director of the
Environmental Protection Agency, White House chief of
staff and ambassador to the United Nations, will be given
Cabinet-level rank.
A few more notable features of Obama’s Cabinet:
Team of rivals?
Sort of, political observers say.
Obama has long spoken of his admiration for Abraham
Lincoln, who appointed three former rivals for the
Republican nomination to his Cabinet.
“Lincoln basically pulled in all the people who had been
running against him into his Cabinet because whatever,
you know, personal feelings there were, the issue was,
‘How can we get this country through this time of crisis?’”
Obama told an audience in May. “That has to be the
approach that one takes, whether it's vice president or
Cabinet, whoever.”
So how did he do?
Obama one-upped Lincoln with a Cabinet that includes
four primary election rivals: Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton
at State, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson at Commerce,
and Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) as vice president. Iowa Gov.
Tom Vilsack at Agriculture was briefly in the primary, too.
Vilsack later served as co-chairman of Clinton’s
presidential campaign. Solis also endorsed Clinton.
Obama plans to install a Republican, Rep. Ray LaHood of
Illinois, at transportation, although he is considered a
moderate. The president-elect also plans to keep
President George W. Bush’s defense secretary, Robert
In terms of policy, however, there isn’t much daylight
between Obama’s Cabinet picks, said Norm Ornstein, a
resident scholar at the conservative American Enterprise
The group can be expected to argue vigorously but
ultimately understands the decision making lies with
Obama, he said.
Left vs. center
In recent years, the Democratic Leadership Council
struggled to attract a single presidential candidate to its
national convention, while an annual gathering of liberal
bloggers saw its cache rise.
Their fortunes have been reversed.
Al From, the DLC’s founder and chief executive officer of
the DLC, identified ties with eight Cabinet members,
including a former chairman (Vilsack), a former convention
chairman (Ken Salazar at Interior) and convention
keynote speakers (Richardson, incoming chief of staff
Rahm Emanuel).
“Obama made a big promise that he was going to
transcend the old politics and create a post-partisan
politics,” From said. “The first test of that was to reach out
and appoint people to the Cabinet that moved beyond
party, and I think he has done that.”
Labor’s not loving Kirk, and no one is mistaking Timothy
Geithner at Treasury and Lawrence Summers as
Obama’s top White House economic adviser for union
guys. But still, the Cabinet will be “night and day compared
to the last eight years,” said Jonathan Tasini, executive
director of the Labor Research Association, a New York
nonprofit that works with trade unions.
“We just hoped the political diversity would have been
stronger,” said Tim Carpenter, executive director of
Progressive Democrats of America. “We see a lot of
recycled Clinton folks and he gets a strong ‘D’ on the
policy side. We hope he will hustle them to be more
In a town where personnel drives policy, don’t bet on it,
others say.
On civil rights, on the rule of law, women’s issues, gay
rights, “this Cabinet is going to be progressive compared
to the last eight years,” Tasini said. “On economic issues,
there is a little more nuance. On that issue, Hilda Solis is
the progressive and then you slide to people who are
much more market oriented. It’s on the economic issues
that are much more of a concern.”
Greg Denier, communications director of Change to Win,
a coalition of labor groups, said despite some difference
of opinion with Obama on several appointees, he did what
he said he would do.
“It is a very diverse Cabinet in terms of the range of
political opinions and backgrounds,” Denier said.
“Certainly Change to Win would not have picked every
individual he picked.”
Love for elected officials
Obama repeatedly faulted a broken system in
Washington, but he filled his Cabinet with more than a few
of those Beltway insiders.
“Clearly president-elect Obama has a preference for
people who have faced the voters and gone through many
of the same experiences that he did,” said Charlie Cook,
editor of the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. “Hillary
Clinton clearly knows foreign policy but you don’t make
her that because of her expertise. It’s because he saw in
her in those debates, a toughness, a tenacity and
intelligence that he wanted in that job, and that’s the
refrain in this Cabinet, people who have faced and been
responsive to voters, but not smacking of hacks, which is
obviously a fine line.”
He picked three House members, two senators and a
former senator, two governors and a former governor,
and one former mayor.
David Sirota, a progressive blogger and journalist, called
it an “Establishment Cabinet.”
“Obama has always engaged in a careful dance with the
establishment,” Sirota said. “He largely plays by its rules
and avoids frontal challenges to the power structure. So
the fact that he’s appointed an Establishment Cabinet isn’t
“The more important question is whether his Cabinet
appointments represent a policy shift. That is, will the
ideologies of the personnel being put in place be the
ideologies of the administration, or will Obama be
successful in making these Washington ideologues the
vehicle for his own new policies?” Sirota asked.
Keeping pace on diversity
Obama didn’t make a big deal of it like Bill Clinton did in
1992, promising a Cabinet that looked like America. But
Obama has continued what is now normal for a
presidential transition, assembling an ethnically and
racially diverse Cabinet.
Six of the 15 department secretaries are people of color.
Three others — at the United Nations, Environmental
Protection Agency, and U.S. trade representative — are
as well, meaning a total of four African Americans, three
Hispanics, and two Asian Americans.
“He did phenomenal on ethnic diversity,” Carpenter said.
“I’d give him an A-minus.”
Because Obama has not yet finalized which positions
rank at Cabinet level, it is hard to determine a final
percentage. But he appears to be keeping pace with the
Bush and Clinton administrations.
“With some Cabinets, you get a sense of filling in the
boxes as you get to the end. What’s struck me about the
Cabinet is that it is hard to find choices that say, ‘He
picked her because she’s a woman' or 'He picked him
because he’s black,’” Ornstein said. “These choices make
sense because they have savvy and experience. It’s
tough to get balance and diversity without making it look
like you are trying to get balance and diversity. I think he’s
done pretty damn well.”
Still not satisfied
Obama made a big splash by appointing Clinton as
secretary of state — pleasing legions of her female
supporters — but some groups are saying he’s light on
Women Count, a political action committee that aids
women candidates, sent an email alert Wednesday urging
its supporters to call the transition team and demand more
female representation in the Cabinet, which it said fails to
improve on Bush’s record and falls below Clinton’s.
Obama has appointed five women to Cabinet and top
agency jobs, although he has announced quite a few more
for White House staff positions.
“We urge the President-elect and his transition team to
act now to improve their record of commitment to naming
women to senior positions in the new administration,” the
alert read. “It's not too late. Such a lack of progress for
women underscores the need for real change — now.”
In terms of Southerners, the region delivered some of
Obama’s sweetest electoral victories, but he hasn’t given
back with an appointment. The West made out well,
landing four Cabinet posts, and a half-dozen hail from the
And not surprisingly, that includes three from Illinois —
home to Emanuel, LaHood at Transportation and Arne
Duncan at Education.
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