Circadian Rhythm Affects Memory
Jim Dawson, Inside Science News Service,, 10/13/08
Most people become aware of their internal circadian
clock when they cross several time zones and experience
jet lag, but scientists have known for decades that the
rhythm of the internal human clock regulates almost every
biological system, from blood pressure to sex drive.
Now researchers at Stanford University have shown that
when the circadian system breaks down, so does
memory. In a paper published in the Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, biologist Norman Ruby
found that hamsters with disabled circadian systems
were, unlike "normal" hamsters, unable to remember their
"They can't remember anything," Ruby said of the
Scientists have long suspected that learning and memory
might be related to different levels of brain function, or
alertness, that change over a day due to normal circadian
rhythms, but it hadn't been shown that the circadian
system is crucial to learning and memory. Ruby found that
learning and memory appears to hinge on the amount of
the neurochemical GABA, which is found in the brains of
all animals. GABA, which inhibits brain activity, is
released rhythmically by the body in accordance to the
circadian clock controlling sleep and wake cycles.
When Ruby disabled the hamsters' clocks by manipulating
their exposure to light the hamsters experienced
chronically high levels of GABA and essentially lost their
ability to remember. The findings have implications for
people with Down syndrome, who grow up with what
amounts to an over-inhibited brain, according to the
research. It also may have implications for the decline in
memory that older adults often experience.
"In aging humans, one of the big things that happens is
the circadian system starts to degrade and break down,"
Ruby said. "It might be that the degradation of circadian
rhythms in elderly people may contribute to their short-
term memory problems."
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