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中國第三次太空任務將執行太空漫步 -- C. Bodeen

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China's third manned mission to include spacewalk

By CHRISTOPHER BODEEN, Associated Press Writer

BEIJING - China this week launches its most ambitious space

mission yet, a sign of rising confidence as Beijing cements its

status as a space power and potential future competitor to the

United States.

The Shenzhou 7 mission, to launch as early as Thursday, will 

be the first to carry a full complement of three astronauts, one 

of whom will perform China's first space walk, or EVA for

"extra-vehicular activity." It is China's third manned mission.

The maneuver will help China master docking techniques

needed for the construction of a space station, likely to be

achieved initially by joining one Shenzhou orbiter to another.

The mission launches from the Jiuquan launch site in

northwestern China. The lead astronaut, Zhai Zhigang, is

expected to carry out the 40-minute spacewalk, which China

will broadcast live.

"Shenzhou 7 is an incremental but important step forward,"

said Joan Johnson-Freese, an expert on the Chinese space

program at the U.S. Naval War College in Rhode Island.

Riding a wave of pride and patriotism after hosting the 

Olympics, China's communist leaders face few of the public

doubts or budgetary pressures constraining such programs

elsewhere. That has allowed them to fuse political will and 

scientific gusto in a step-by-step process that could one day 

see Chinese astronauts landing on the moon.

Chinese space programs are methodically moving forward in

a "very deliberate, graduated" manner, said Charles Vick, a

space analyst for the Washington think tank

GlobalSecurity.org. Beijing is accumulating the building blocks

of a comprehensive program, demonstrating "caution but

confidence" as it gains on the U.S. and other space powers,

he said.

Future goals are believed to include an unmanned moon

landing around 2012, a mission to return samples in 2015,

and possibly a manned lunar mission by 2017 -- three years

ahead of the U.S. target date for returning to the moon.

A manned lunar program, although yet to be formally

approved, is "certainly the ultimate goal," Johnson-Freese


First, Chinese scientists need to put the final touches on the

new generation Long March 5 rocket capable of launching

25-ton components for a space station or future lunar


Once that happens, Johnson-Freese said she expects

further progress to come rapidly.

"When the new vehicle is ready, China wants to be ready

too," she said. Shenzhou craft are currently flung into space

by a Long March 2F rocket, the workhorse of the Chinese

fleet, with 66 consecutive successful launches.

The first manned Shenzhou mission in 2003 saw China join

the United States and former Soviet Union as the only nations

capable of launching astronauts into space.

From the start, China has focused squarely on high-payoff

areas where it can match or exceed the achievements of

others. That garners new capabilities while maximizing the

political impact, something observers sometimes call


All along, China has relied heavily on homegrown technology,

partly out of necessity. China has trouble obtaining such

technology abroad due to U.S. and European bans and is not

a participant in the International Space Station.

The Shenzhou ships closely resemble Russia's three-module

Soyuz capsule, but have been completely re-engineered and

enlarged. China's team of 14 astronauts, sometimes called

"taikonauts" from the Chinese word for outer space, are

trained at Chinese facilities.

Veteran chief designer Qi Faren says China's systems, while

basic, have been carefully designed for safety and reliability.

"What we're proud of is that, although we're not the best, it's

our own and its very Chinese," Qi, 75, said in an interview

published in Monday's Beijing News.






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神州7號太空人凱旋歸來 -- 合眾社


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Chinese mission touches down after first spacewalk  

BEIJING - Chinese astronauts returned to earth and

emerged triumphant from their capsule Sunday after

successfully completing the country's first-ever spacewalk


State broadcaster CCTV showed their Shenzhou 7

spaceship landing under clear skies in the grasslands of

China's northern Inner Mongolia region at 5:37 p.m. local

time. Premier Wen Jiabao applauded at mission control in


"The astronauts feel very good," mission commander Zhai

Zhigang said as the vessel floated down to earth on a red

and white striped giant parachute.

After landing, the three astronauts were seen sipping

bottled water as they were given medical examinations

inside the module. They stayed inside for about 45

minutes to adapt to the Earth's gravity before slowly

crawling out of the narrow circular entrance of the


CCTV showed the astronauts each waving as they

emerged and sat on blue fold-out chairs outside the

capsule. They were each presented with a bouquet of


"It was a glorious mission, full of challenges with a

successful end," Zhai said. "We feel proud of the


Saturday's space walk, which was broadcast live and

watched by crowds gathered around outdoor television

screens, further stoked national pride one month after the

close of the Beijing Olympics.

The spacewalk was mainly aimed at testing China's

mastery of the technology involved. Zhai's sole task was

to retrieve a rack attached to the outside of the orbital

module containing an experiment involving solid lubricants.

Tethered to handles attached to the Shenzhou 7 ship's

orbital module, Zhai remained outside for about 13

minutes before climbing back inside.

A successful spacewalk paves the way for assembling a

space station from two Shenzhou orbital modules, the next

major goal of China's manned spaceflight program.

China is also pursuing lunar exploration and may attempt

to land a man on the moon in the next decade -- possibly

ahead of NASA's 2020 target date for returning to the




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中國太空人翟志剛進行太空漫步 -- 合眾社


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Chinese astronaut makes nation's first spacewalk

BEIJING - A Chinese astronaut has emerged from the

Shenzhou 7 spaceship to perform his nation's first-ever


Mission commander Zhai Zhigang floated out of the

orbiter module's hatch Saturday afternoon in footage

shown live on state television.

Zhai said: "Greetings to all the people of the nation and

all the people of the world."

Fellow astronaut Liu Boming also emerged briefly from

the capsule to hand Zhai a Chinese flag that he then

waved for an exterior camera. The third crew member,

Jing Haipeng, monitored the ship from inside the re-entry


A successful spacewalk paves the way for assembling a

space station from two Shenzhou orbital modules, the

next major goal of China's manned spaceflight program.





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20 - 21世紀文化的標誌


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太空優勢不只是「政治意志和科學實力的結合」,也是尖端技術和卓越管理的展現。從我這種肯定科學和技術的人來看,太空探索是20 - 21世紀文化或文明的標誌和典範。而文化是整體社會力發揮的成果。


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