Yin Tieh-lin
What Hu said is correct. I happened to be in Tai Da at the time when so called "self-awakening movement" occurred. This was actually only an activity among a small number of students following the fashion of responging to the foreign student's farewell message. It died quickly. Bao-diao movement is a movement to protect our country's territory, national dignity, still in today having its significance and momentum to impact the future. There is no relation between them at all, and no comparison at all.
From my perspective I'll say C. Y. and T. L. are correct to certain extent. We are indeed closer to the Sino-Japan war, and some of us were nationalistic and concerned with the social issues at large in our under graduate student days. However, this was not a general phenomenon.
I don't doubt that among those that are a few years younger than us, or those that were not interested in the social events at that time, there was an eye-opening, if not "awakening", effect by the "Self-Awakening" event or incident. It may not be a general movement, but it did stir up a few latent souls here and there. We need to recall what a barren environment Taiwan was during the 60's (post-"Free China" for instance), and how students in general were "lost" at that time. Although I was not enlightened by it, I for one was moved by the article to think about the issues it has raised and the implication and consequence of apathy in general.
Mr. Liu who formed the "New Hope" Magazine as a response to that event was and is as idealistic as most of us participated in the Bao_Diao. And the magazine sure had its effect on some, albeit a small group of, students then. If it were not banned by the university administration within two years of its inception, I expect it would have exerted more influences.
So it may have some relevance. As for the direct effect on Bao-Diao, I agree with the assessment of C. Y. and T. L..
Vickie Liu Chen
It was nice to meet so many new friends in Taiwan this time. I think protecting TYT has some hope if it is still alive after more than 30 years.
I totally agree with Chen-Yu and Tieh Yin, as I expressed to Chao-Wei, the "self-awakening event" did not have any link to TYT movement in my opinion.
This current "collecting tears" event, I do not know what is the underline issue or message and what they are trying to accomplish.
Sorry I can only read Chinese version but can not reply by Chinese.
Reagrding the news of younger generation's "movement", it looks like the "self-awakening event" 40 years ago.
Someone had criticised the "self-awakening event" as "innocent", I guess the same criticism would be raised for this current "collecting tears" event.
However, under current circumstances, I would propose that it's a chance for connectingg the 2 different generations, so that the history of Taiwan's youth movement could have a better continuity instead of being fragmented.
我認為自覺運動沒有廣大作用的原因,是完全脫離群眾。我提到他們組織的社團,只有成績好的學生才能加入。不知這是參與者自己的想法,還是救國團用來控制運動的手段。不論什麼原因,這就註定了這運動無法發展。卜凱兄提到 Mr. Liu 的 《New Hope》,我想是劉大任吧?我在大學時,總覺得這群精英和我離得太遠,因為他們口中的哲學名詞、各種主義不是我這種凡夫俗子所能瞭解的。
我想自覺運動應分成兩個來談,一是官方支持的,但後來很快就收手。 一是學生自發的,但在當時的環境下,成功的機率可說近於零。因為如果有"群眾",救國團就會來關切,所以不可能有"群眾"。但即使曇花一現,仍有其作用,只是程度問題。也許譽孚兄可做一問卷調查,看看有多少人認為自己曾受自覺運動影響或被它"啟發"。
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