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我自1993年回國後,逐漸在報紙和電視政論節目中,發現民進黨的政棍和替他/她們擦、舔、吹的三客流,誤用、誤解、或故意扭曲 西方學者或新聞記者所使用的詞彙和概念,如「族群泛政治化民粹主義」、「文化公民權」,以及此處提到的「轉型正義」等等。這群混混和癟三用以上所說的技倆來遂行及掩飾他/她們歪曲事實,指驢為馬,違反邏輯,胡說八道之類的「言談行動」。從而達到他/她們包裝政治訴求,唬弄人民的目的。 










就翻譯實務來說justice可以誇張式的譯為「正義」;但是不論以「轉型」或「過渡」來翻譯transition、transitional、in transition、或in times of transition,一定要加上「時期」兩字才能符合「」、「」的標準。否則,譯者不是不認識這幾個英文字,就是故意欺騙矇混。













* Chinapen , R./Vernon , R., Justice in Transition, http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract;jsessionid=8E3548A6CAD03BFB1236A8473B5258AE.tomcat1?fromPage=online&aid=414875

* Glaser , T., Article Summary of "Justice in Times of Transition" by Mary Albon, http://scholar.ilib.cn/Abstract.aspx?A=xuehai200501013

* Mass Atrocity or Human Rights Abuse, http://www.beyondintractability.org/articlesummary/10013/

* Mission and History of the ICTJ, http://www.ictj.org/en/about/mission/

* Roth, B. R., Peaceful Transition and Retrospective Justice: Some Reservations (Response to Juan Méndez) [Abstract], Ethics & International Affairs, Volume 15.1 (Spring 2001), http://www.cceia.org/resources/journal/15_1/articles/485.html

* The International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), http://www.ictj.org/en/index.html

* The Project on Justice in Times of Transition, http://www.pjtt.org/

* 陳剛,轉型時期的社會公正(Social Justice in Transition Period),《學海》,2005年01期http://scholar.ilib.cn/Abstract.aspx?A=xuehai200501013

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瓜地馬拉法院判前總統「滅族罪」 - M. McDonald


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Former Guatemala dictator Rios Montt convicted of genocide


Mike McDonald, 05/10/13


GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - Former Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Montt was found guilty on Friday of genocide and crimes against humanity during the bloodiest phase of the country's 36-year civil war and was sentenced to 80 years in prison.


Hundreds of people who were packed into the courtroom burst into applause, chanting, "Justice!" as Rios Montt received a 50-year term for the genocide charge and an additional 30 years for crimes against humanity.


It was the first time a former head of state had been found guilty of genocide in his or her own country.


Rios Montt, now 86, took power after a coup in 1982 and was accused of implementing a scorched-earth policy in which troops massacred thousands of indigenous villagers thought to be helping leftist rebels. He proclaimed his innocence in court.


"I feel happy. May no one else ever have to go through what I did. My community has been sad ever since this happened," said Elena de Paz, an ethnic Maya Ixil who was two years old in 1983 when soldiers stormed her village, killed her parents and burned her home.


Prosecutors say Rios Montt turned a blind eye as soldiers used rape, torture, and arson to try to rid Guatemala of leftist rebels during his 1982-1983 rule, the most violent period of a 1960-1996 civil war in which as many as 250,000 people died.


He was tried over the killings of at least 1,771 members of the Maya Ixil indigenous group, just a fraction of the number who died during his rule.


A throng outside the court chanted "Justice! Justice!" when the guilty verdicts were handed down on Friday.


"They convicted him, they convicted him. I can't believe it," said Marybel Bustamante, whose brother was 'disappeared,' a euphemism for kidnapped and murdered, the day that Rios Montt took power.


The human rights group Amnesty International hailed it as the trial of the decade.




"He had full knowledge of everything that was happening and did not stop it," Judge Yasmin Barrios, who presided over the trial, told a packed courtroom where Mayan women wearing colorful traditional clothes and head-dresses closely followed proceedings.


Nobel Peace Prize winner Rigoberta Menchu was among them.


"Today we are happy, because for many years it was said that genocide was a lie, but today the court said it was true," she said.


Barrios called a hearing for Monday to discuss compensation for the victims of Rios Montt's rule.


Rios Montt's intelligence director, Jose Rodriguez Sanchez, also stood trial, but he was acquitted on both charges.


During the trial, which began on March 19, nearly 100 prosecution witnesses told of massacres, torture and rape by state forces. At one point, the trial hung in the balance when a dispute broke out between two judges over who should hear the case.


Rios Montt denied the charges in court on Thursday, saying he never ordered genocide and had no control over battlefield operations.

"I am innocent," he told the courtroom, sporting thick glasses and a gray mustache. "I never had the intent to destroy any national ethnic group.


"I have never ordered genocide," he added, saying he took over a "failing" Guatemala in 1982 that was completely bankrupt and full of "subversive guerrillas."


Former U.S. President Ronald Reagan provided support for Rios Montt's government and said in late 1982 that the dictator was getting a "bum rap" from rights groups for his military campaign against left-wing guerrillas during the Cold War.


He also once called Rios Montt "a man of great personal integrity".


Defense attorneys said earlier they would appeal if Rios Montt was convicted. They argued that prosecution witnesses had no credibility, that specific ethnic groups were not targeted under Rios Montt's 17-month rule and that the war pitted belligerents of the same ethnic group against one another.




Rios Montt has been under house arrest for more than a year. The right-wing party that he founded changed its name this year to distance itself from its past.


Guatemala's civil war ended with peace accords signed in 1996 but the Central American nation remains a deeply divided society with very poor indigenous areas.


President Otto Perez, a former army general during the civil war, says he was part of a group of captains that stood up to Rios Montt.

Declassified U.S. documents from the civil war years suggest Perez was one of the Guatemalan army's most progressive officers and that he played a key role in an ensuing peace process.


But Perez was himself implicated in war crimes during the trial when one prosecution witness testified that soldiers under his command had burned down homes and executed civilians during Rios Montt's rule.


Perez has argued that genocide did not take place during the war, underlining the divisions that persist in Guatemala over the conflict, which pitted leftist insurgents against a string of right-wing governments.


Perez, who took office in 2012, is the first military man to run the country since the war ended, and rights groups were concerned he could interfere with human rights trials.


Courts in Guatemala have only recently begun prosecutions for atrocities committed during the conflict.


Until August 2011, when four soldiers received 6,060-year prison sentences for mass killings in the northern village of Dos Erres in 1982, no convictions had been handed down for massacres carried out during the war.


A judge who initially presided over pre-trial hearings cast a new shadow of doubt over the Rios Montt case on Friday when she confirmed a decision she had announced on April 18 to wind back proceedings to November 2011, and void all developments since then.


Prosecutors insist that decision is illegal and are preparing legal challenges to the ruling, while defense attorneys have argued that the decision is binding and the trial should never have proceeded.


(Writing by Simon Gardner; Editing by Kieran Murray, Peter Cooney and Paul Simao)



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然後腦蟲要贊同市長的說法, 從政的人必須不停提高對理論的掌握能力; 當然, 可能需要他人的協助: 比如黨組織對本黨官僚的再教育, (友好或不友好) 的智庫機構的研究報告, 官僚自身與高等教育界的互動等等.

當然還有一個前提:一般人的看法中, 對於當前政治相關的學科都主要認為是政治學與經濟學. 但是人的意識型態受到太多因素的影響, 只要感官接收到的就可能改變人的認知狀態. 因此, 意識型態批判應該受到更多關注. 而這個說法是由哈伯瑪斯提出來的, 但是許多其他的哲學家(甚至是歷史學家或文學家)也自覺或不自覺地使用這種方式來揭露這個世界的面貌. 而意識型態批判應當是以解釋學為根基的. 這裡所說的解釋學不是聖經的解釋學, 也不是其他特定學科的闡釋理論, 而應該是人文學科的一般/通用的方法論.

對不起, 但是腦蟲又離題了.

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