自由化 -- 帝國主義的木馬?
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加強與跨國大企業的策略聯盟與合作;... 亦即市場要更加開放。 ...
(解除)資金匯入與對外投資的用途(限制),... (及)台灣的外銀與國內中小企業往來的業務(限制),...」
所謂「(解除) ... (限制)」,你可以翻譯成:「將 ... 變成金融租界」。
2003.10.24 中國時報
拉賽德:台灣自由化程度還可更快 洪川詠/台北報導
拉賽德 ...,認為 ... (但)中小企業變大之後勢必面臨瓶頸,此時就須加強與跨國大企業的策略聯盟與合作;... 亦即市場要更加開放。
至於台灣還能做的有哪些?拉賽德舉例說,... 但台灣目前對於資金匯入與對外投資的用途設限,多數資金不願匯回,反而扼殺了本地產業升級投資的機會。此外在台灣的外銀與國內中小企業往來的業務受限,對中小企業的全球化,也有不利影響。
1. 「全球化」的意義
(摘錄自: 【FOKAS - 社會區】《評親民黨主席宋楚瑜先生的《建構台灣未來的願景》》)
2. 「全球化」的實際
加入 WTO後,「政府」官僚在保護國內企業和上述產業升級的職責功能,更形重要。談判不當,就造成「全球化」時代的「割地賠款」。這種「協商代表」及其主管政務官稱之為「賣台集團」決不為過。「智財權」的協商就是當前的例子。立法院也必須負擔把關的任務(相關法案的審議)。這是民主制度的好處。一個「賣台集團」還不一定能成交,要兩個「賣台集團」狼狽為奸才行。
(摘錄自: 【FOKAS - 社會區】《什麼是政策?》)
FOKAS: http://www.fokas.com.tw/
全球化 之 The Pentagon s New Map
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大家看看Mr. Barnett的"The Pentagon's New Map"原文(請見所附網址),才能了解什麼是"全球化"。Barnett的文章是杭廷頓理論的教戰手冊。
On "The Pentagons New Map"
This is a brief commentary on Mr. Barnett s troubling article - "The Pentagon s New Map" (Barnett, 2003).
The word "globalization" was used 26 times in Mr. Barnett s paper, "globalizing" twice just for the record, without in a single instance elucidating or explaining the concept. I am sure it is a household term in a globalizing period. However, if one is going to base his or her whole "theory" on a single word, it is an advantageous practice for that person to grasp the idea in a clear and distinct manner, let alone as a good will gesture toward the uninitiated and the to be damned.
After looking into his "dividing line" carefully, anyone will want to know how did Mr. Barnett apply his classification schemata. Was he using an "us-them" scheme, or was he using a "submissive-assertive" (relative to the U. S.) scheme?or if he had one at all?
Mr. Barnett lamented " too many experts treat it (globalization) as a binary outcome". Yet, right after that comment, Mr. Barnett himself presented his "theory" in a "binary" map, a "global" map to boot. May be I should call it a "tertiary" map counting the "seam states". But will one extra pole render Mr. Barnett s a thicker "theory"?
Secondly, the phenomenon of 'globalization' was treated as a single, homogeneous, omni-benevolent concept. The purpose, function, and the obvious polarizing-characteristics of 'globalization' was never analyzed or even mentioned. As if he has never heard of the proverbial "one person's meat is another's poison."
Globalization is the ideology, with the WTO playing the role of the Trojan horse, used by the developed nations, the "Core" in Mr. Barnett's terminology, to battle and circumvent the theory and practice of using tariff to keep unwanted products out of the poor countries, the "Gap" in Mr. Barnett's terminology. The latter cannot afford these products in the first place, and worse, they are draining the capital crucially needed for gaining the entry into the globalization game, shall we call it the "globalizability"? In addition to capital, a state of course also needs technologies and products to play the game. Which means education, research and development, management skill, to name just a few.
With this understanding, we can state in binary fashion that there are two opposing teams in the globalization game: the globalizing one and the globalized one. By the way, I do not claim to have read all books on the big G theory. I have yet to see anyone to make the distinction in the way presented here.
Let us pause for a moment to consider, if globalization is such a glamorous and enchanting game as Mr. Barnett made it out to be, how did some states always get to be in the 'doing' team, and the other always get to be in the 'done' team for as long as we remember? Historically, we all know how the West Europeans robbed and butchered their way to get qualified in the globalizing team. And Mr. Barnett is its self-appointed cheerleader chanting:"We have not robbed and butchered enough. Go! Go! Go! It is our 'burden' and 'responsibility' to kill them all! Glo! Glo! Glo!" May be this is Darwinian, but in a civilized world, it sure sounds awfully like someone who has just lost his or her shingle somewhere.
To his credit, Mr. Barnett did use the word 'aid' once in the entire paper, the handout connotation not withstanding. The "Shrinking the Gap" mentality (it sounds like "Nuke the Gap" to me) is truly amazing and befuddling, not to say horrifying, in light of his awareness of the "historically" edifying Vietnam experience and familiarity with such smooth and state-of-the-art terms like "thin", "thick", "Darwinian", "paradigm", "disconnectedness", "historical process", etc. God bless America!
"The Pentagon's New Map"原文網址:http://groups.msn.com/gdu0jbnu4dgbqgjebvn4stsi02/general.msnwaction=get_message&mview=0&ID_Message=460&LastModified=4675440906244711816
(本文原載"FOKAS,知識區"FOKAS: http://www.fokas.com.tw/)