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[寄語]悼念我的老友—Bharat Bhasin







In Memory of Bharat Bhasin, 1977-2005

It’s very hard for me to write this piece since I learned this bad news from Stephen. Sometimes, I was thinking how I can best describe this man. He was such a special friend with big smile. The last time we met was in Singapore, GAMMA 2001. We drank, chatted and danced in a crowded apartment with all AIESEC alumni the whole night. We talked about the life, the career, and the old good days. After the weekend, he flew back to India. We continued our sessions in Malaysia.

It’s odd that I only remember many little things about him instead of every detail. The first time I met him in Atlanta, USA, IC ’97. Because “Bharat” sounds like “Guava” in Chinese, I told him so. He laughed loudly. Since then, I always called him “Guava” rather than “Bharat”. A lot of friends mentioned that he was such as great leader in the blog. Indeed, his legacy definitely left AIESEC in India and fellow AIESECers a great foundation.

When he visited Taiwan for the International President Conference in 1999, all AP presidents came out for a short break in the night market. We smoked and joked about each other. That was fun! Chatting with old friends is something you always enjoy. At the end of the conference, it was time to say goodbye. We all agreed: “Never say goodbye because we are all AIESECers. Absolutely we will meet each other somewhere and someday”. I still believe so after learning this tragedy.

Remember the picture we took together in Singapore? The Chinese on the wall in the temple said: have a safe trip. So long, my buddy. We all know that you will be good and start your journey up there. All of us are on the tracks. We will cherish what we have in hand. Eventually, we will still meet. It’s only a matter of time. Get the beer and the music ready then. When we party together again, we shall share our different stories again. Take good care of yourself.

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