Ha, not really join First before, since work too late all the time.
Come to Austin at end of April? Too late, I think all Blue Bonnet flower are gone at that time. Currently it is the most beautiful season in Texas, all blue flowers around Texas~~~
I k-ed that book too. But it is funny that since we had correct answers our Japanese and Korean whom even don't understand the Chinese, they all took Chinese test sheet. I still had some answers maybe 20 out of 25 question.
32321; 32123; 12313; 21333, cannot remeber another five, and maybe it is the last five I guess....
Oh, no I am in Austin TX now and will move back to TW in end of April.
Love back to Glendale/ Phoenix only for golf, otherwise, IT'S HOT TO DEATH~
I remebered when I was T-bird student at 1999 & 2000, I had correct answers for Chinese driver license test sheet and passed them to Taiwanese students as well (looks like you don't get them, right?) Not only Japanese took Chinese test sheet but Korean did it as well.
The old rule is you have to leave one question had wrong answer to prevent MVD asking you further question not in the test sheet!