中國兩千多年來的人口成長曲線圖( 資料來自美國哥倫比亞大學網站:其中曲線的厚度代表估計的誤差值 ):
"Between 1851 and 1949, a century of rebellion, social upheaval, and suffering, China's population base increased "only" by another 100,000,000(晚清到民國結束的一百年期間,人口僅從原來的四億三兩百萬人增加了一億左右) on top of its 432,000,000 base. (During the same period, the population of the United States increased from about 23,000,000 to 151,000,000. Of this 128 million increase in the US, 36 million was due to immigration.同一時期的美國人口則增加了六點五倍:由當時2300萬人增加了一億兩千八百萬人至一億五千一百萬人,) While China's absolute increase over this century was far below the increases of the preceding several centuries, the magnitude of China's overall population nonetheless bequeathed to the newly established People's Republic of China a resource of great potential and challenge of immense proportions."