東北-西南向的A1高速公路正是連結日內瓦-167km與蘇黎世-123km(或Basel巴塞爾97km,藝術文化醫藥化學城)之間最快速的交通線,常奔馳來往德法兩語區的B家兩人組,就常乘機轉進位於高速公路邊的克利美術館Zentrum Paul Klee附屬的Restaurants Schongrun用餐。
Zentrum Paul Klee克利美術館位於瑞士首都柏恩城東區城市外圍,鄉野高速公路邊的南北向狹長地帶。Renzo Piano在1999年規劃勘察地形時就決定要順應地景,給克利的作品一個結合山丘綠野自然景觀和高速公路的都市文明的家;緊臨川流不息的高速公路不但不刻意掩飾,還取用地緣的曲線作為造型的基本構想。
Paul Kele Museum 美術舘園內供兒童打擊遊戲的聲响研究區 Paul Kele Museum 附設的玻璃屋餐廳與酒巴
以下Paul Klee的畫作及介紹資料取自網路:
Paul Klee:
A Swiss-born painter and graphic artist whose personal, often gently humorous works are replete with allusions to dreams, music, and poetry, Paul Klee, b. Dec. 18, 1879, d. June 29, 1940, is difficult to classify.
Primitive art, surrealism, cubism, and children's art all seem blended into his small-scale, delicate paintings, watercolors, and drawings. Klee grew up in a musical family and was himself a violinist. After much hesitation he chose to study art, not music, and he attended the Munich Academy in 1900. There his teacher was the popular symbolist and society painter Franz von STUCK. Klee later toured Italy (1901-02), responding enthusiastically to Early Christian and Byzantine art.
Klee's early works are mostly etchings and pen-and-ink drawings. These combine satirical, grotesque, and surreal elements and reveal the influence of Francisco de Goya and James Ensor, both of whom Klee admired. Two of his best-known etchings, dating from 1903, are Virgin in a Tree and Two Men Meet, Each Believing the Other to Be of Higher Rank. Such peculiar, evocative titles are characteristic of Klee and give his works an added dimension of meaning.
After his marriage in 1906 to the pianist Lili Stumpf, Klee settled in Munich, then an important center for avant-garde art. That same year he exhibited his etchings for the first time. His friendship with the painters Wassily Kandinsky and August Macke prompted him to join Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider), an expressionist group that contributed much to the development of abstract art.
A turning point in Klee's career was his visit to Tunisia with Macke and Louis Molliet in 1914. He was so overwhelmed by the intense light there that he wrote: Color has taken possession of me; no longer do I have to chase after it, I know that it has hold of me forever. That is the significance of this blessed moment. Color and I are one. I am a painter. He now built up compositions of colored squares that have the radiance of the mosaics he saw on his Italian sojourn. The watercolor Red and White Domes (1914; Collection of Clifford Odets, New York City) is distinctive of this period.
Klee often incorporated letters and numerals into his paintings, as in Once Emerged from the Gray of Night (1917-18; Klee Foundation, Berlin). These, part of Klee's complex language of symbols and signs, are drawn from the unconscious and used to obtain a poetic amalgam of abstraction and reality. He wrote that "Art does not reproduce the visible, it makes visible," and he pursued this goal in a wide range of media using an amazingly inventive battery of techniques. Line and color predominate with Klee, but he also produced series of works that explore mosaic and other effects.
Klee taught at the BAUHAUS school after World War I, where his friend Kandinsky was also a faculty member. In Pedagogical Sketchbook (1925), one of his several important essays on art theory, Klee tried to define and analyze the primary visual elements and the ways in which they could be applied. In 1931 he began teaching at Dusseldorf Academy, but he was dismissed by the Nazis, who termed his work "degenerate." In 1933, Klee went to Switzerland. There he came down with the crippling collagen disease scleroderma, which forced him to develop a simpler style and eventually killed him. The late works, characterized by heavy black lines, are often reflections on death and war, but his last painting, Still Life (1940; Felix Klee collection, Bern), is a serene summation of his life's concerns as a creator.
愛因斯坦 提出bErn=mc2理論至今滿100年了......
瑞士政府為了紀念這位20世紀最偉大的科學家,由伯恩歷史博物館主持籌劃準備了三年,斥資約合臺幣一億七千六百萬(7.2 million swiss france x NT$24.5)舉辦一個專屬於愛因斯坦個人的生命史、实驗模型、理論、科學貢獻...的特展.(展期自明天6月16~明年的4月17日止)
ALBERT EINSTEIN (1879 - 1955)
Special Exhibition http://www.expo-einstein.ch/
Historisches Museum Bern
Helvetiaplatz 5
3005 Bern
16 June 2005 to 17 April 2006, Daily 10am-7pm
Physics Theme Park 16 June 2005 to 16 October 2005
Energy Show 6 to 14 August 2005
Physics Night 9 July 2005
Albert Einstein was living in Bern a century ago, when he created the famous formula E=mc2 and revolutionized our ideas about space and time with his Theory of Relativity. His commitment to peace and social justice also made him a role model for man throughout the world.
Einstein’s pioneering theories, the story of his life and the history of his time will be presented in an exhibition covering 2500 sq m. Unique original pieces, written
documents and newsreel film clips will provide an unforgettable experience in a lavish staging on which no expense has been spared. Over 30 animated short films have turned Einstein’s physics into a fun experience for all ages. (All exhibition texts are in German, French and English).