誠如莎莉‧賽隆(Charlize Theron)在2003年6月號ELLE雜誌所表達的:「每個人都關注艾琳是一個女同性戀者,我認為她不是,當你們仔細了解她的全部生活,你會很明顯地發現她只是在尋找一個人-無論什麼性別-只要接受她、愛她,而不是去評判她,艾琳那麼強烈地想要被愛。」(“Everybody makes this big deal that Aileen was a lesbian,” Theron says. “I don’t think she was. When you look over her entire life, it is just so obvious that she was just looking to have anyone—whatever sex—just accept her and not judge her and love her. Aileen wanted to be loved so badly.”)。