耶魯醫學大會 專家:川普有「危險的精神疾病」
2017-04-22 17:28聯合報 記者
Yale Medical Congress experts: Trump has "dangerous mental illness"
2017-04-22 17:28 United Daily News reporter Chen Yunhan / real-time coverage
A group of psychiatrists at the Yale University School of Medicine meeting on the 20th said that US President Trump has "dangerous mental illness" is not suitable for leading the country.
Dr. John Turner of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and other mental health experts at the meeting declared that Trump "paranoid" and "delusion." This group of psychiatrists argues that public warning of the "danger" of the American people and President Trump's spiritual condition to the state is their "moral responsibility".
These physicians believe that Trump shows antithesis, narcissism and chauvinism and other tendencies, they think these are mental defects behavior. But other mental health experts criticize the above "diagnosis" immoral, that physicians must be one-on-one consultation patients can conclude.