pork barrel legislation
「豬肉桶」一詞由美國產生,據說是源自印地安人在族人中分享醃製豬肉的傳統。1829年3月,美國總統安德魯·傑克遜就職後,撤換聯邦政府官員,代之以自己的支持者與友人,被稱為「分贓制度」(spoils system);這個詞於1832年由美國參議員威廉·L·馬西提出,引自其名句「贓物是屬於勝利者的」(「to the victor belong the spoils」,臺灣的行政學教科書常譯為「敬分贓下的勝利者」)。安德魯·傑克遜認為,獎賞所屬派系並鼓勵其他人加入,有助民主。分贓制度造成美國政治最腐敗的時期,直到1883年才被《彭德爾頓法案》終結。
Pork barrel legislation
The meat legislation is a means by which Members attach to the supporters of their own supporters or fraternity benefits, so that they benefit (self).
The term "pork bucket" is produced by the United States and is said to have originated from the Indian tradition of sharing pickled pork among the tribe. In March 1829, the United States President Andrew Jackson took office, the replacement of federal government officials, replaced by their supporters and friends, known as the "spoof system" (spoils system); the word in 1832 by the US Senator William ·
Andrew Jackson believes that rewarding the factions and encouraging others to join will help democracy. The stolen system caused the most corrupt period of American politics until the end of the "Pendleton Act" in 1883.
Most of the political dividends take a direct way to allocate funds to a certain region or an enterprise, and there is a more indirect approach in the case of strict supervision. Pork bucket terms are generally added at the end of the bill to take urgent additional provisions; the supporters of the bill in order to obtain the support of these members and the passage of the bill, can only let these politicians join the additional provisions of the fertilizer.