Study: outbreak of the mysterious waves in outer space to Earth
2016-03-03 Central 22:48 Agency, Paris reported
Scientists revealed today, from outer space is both mysterious and powerful radio waves towards the Earth is gathered into a bunch of ways, their presence was not discovered until 10 years ago.
According to findings published in "nature" (Nature) Journal of research, these waves are launched from off the edge of the milky way.
These so-called fast-wave bursts (FRBs), was previously considered to be a one-off phenomenon.
Since 2007, these waves are detected more than 20 bundle, but scientists suspect that the waves are produced every day, more than 10,000 bundles.
These waves of source of information is still not known. Until now, astronomers suspect was caused by cataclysmic events such as Star explodes as a supernova or neutron stars collapse into black holes.