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席勒專欄/4個悲慘故事 讓股市哭了

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席勒專欄/4個悲慘故事 讓股市哭了
2016-01-27 03:24 經濟日報 編譯任中原













(作者Robert J. Shiller是2013年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主)

Schiller, column 4, a tragic story was crying by stock market
2016-01-27 03:24 economic daily compiled the Central Plains

Since the stock market tumbled earlier this year, we heard a lot of "story". Investors suddenly willing to accept stock market correction, or even the possibility of recession.
One of the hottest stories, China's economy and the stock market. Excessive China investment, shadow banking problem is serious, the housing market "ghost town" everywhere are being amplified.
In the West, these stories was an emotional rendering errors, China, optimism, patriotism and sense of competition with the West contrast with each other.
This kind of story is to exaggerate the Chinese economy on the United States stock market importance, since in recent years the United States exports to China accounted for gross domestic product growth rate of 0.6%. However, once based on story ideas to carry out, not many people actually care about real economic data.
The second story was the worse the first week this year stock performance on record. Emphasis on "happy new year" this time the market short atmosphere more, although "happy new year" there is no special significance, because "new year" is just a human factor, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim and Chinese have their own new year's resolutions, stressed the new year just to make the story more.

But these feelings has been materially affected, reminiscent of the stock market crash in early 2000, when Western countries are celebrating the Millennium. This comment rather ridiculous, and the real "Millennium" was only started in 2001. Really important is early 2000 the long-term earnings ratio of stocks reached highest level in 1881, with the Dow Jones index fell sharply after 2000 14th reached a historical high.

The third story is the fall in oil prices. Shale oil production not long ago was widely seen as a remarkable achievement by the Americans, unfortunately now the whole story has been subverted, those "Heroes" they can yield results sent oil prices tumbling.

There's a fourth story, the United States stock market has soared from 2009-14 twice. I last August, it has pointed out that many people know that stocks have risen too much, is very sensitive to bad, now the stock market was a sharp correction.

Most economists are not mentioned above, the story, or critically assess their emotional appeal of the story.

But the importance of these stories, it depends on how people feel about stories, and triggered an emotional response not only gave birth to revolution, also makes the stock market collapse.

Concerned about the stock market this year will be a series of new stories, including the four mentioned above.

These stories give rise to overlapping effect, caused the stock market to fall further, triggering more negative stories, are possible; what only time will prove enough.

(Author Robert j. Shiller in 2013, a Nobel Laureate in Economics)

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