據英國《衛報》報導,MI5擊敗400多個組織團體,成為對同志友善的百大雇主中第1名。MI5在4年前就被「石牆」列為友善雇主,去年更拿下第7名。MI5其實早在25年前就解除同志禁令,並公開招募同志參與英國情報工作,首長帕克(Andrew Parker)就說:「在MI5裡容許多元化的存在,我們在乎的是僱員能發揮最佳專長,不管他們是什麼樣的人。」(施旖婕/綜合外電報導)
Best employers for gay United Kingdom military intelligence to win
The gay community "stone wall (Stonewall)" recently conducted a competition noted that United Kingdom employers on gay the best, is the United Kingdom by the intelligence service, military intelligence (MI5).
According to the United Kingdom, the guardian reports, MI5 defeat over more than 400 bodies, on top of gay-friendly employers in the 1th. 4 years ago, MI5 was "stone wall" as a friendly employer last year, won the 7th place. MI5 actually lifting gay ban as early as 25 years ago, and recruit comrades to participate in United Kingdom intelligence, head of Parker (Andrew Parker) says: "in MI5, allowing a wide range of existing, we care about employees the best expertise, regardless of who they are. "(Shi Yijie/Dow Jones report)