我完不到第65關 只好用密碼lE5SUVG3LY4進去看 真的很難
1.解決右邊那顆球 先引爆右邊四顆炸彈 最後一顆當然不能先引爆
先把球送進洞裡 先站在球下 按住space + 向下(這裡是關鍵,這一招我本來不會
看了introduction才恍然大悟 ) 然後人閃開 球進 引爆這一顆炸彈
2 想辦法拿到鑰匙 又引爆一顆炸彈 上面那個球自然又可以進洞
4. 推完之後 最後一顆球也可以下來進洞 ok
Level 65
1) The 2 most important things in this level are time and not getting blown up.
2) Drop the dynamite onto the rocks so you can get out.
3) Drop the dynamites in each section until you get to the right side of the scr
een. Don’t drop the stone onto the dynamite.
4) Get under the jewel and hold down the space bar while pushing the down arrow.
Let the jewel fall into the transporter.
5) Put the stone at the top into the holes at the bottom, you can leave the last
two near the edge to kill the flies.
6) Release the fly, drop the dynamite on it, move to the right so you don’t get
blown up.
7) Kill the remaining flies if you can. Get the key.
Remove the dirt from under the jewel and let it drop into the transporter.
9) Push the stones over so you can get the last jewel. Make sure you push them o
ver at least 2 spaces.
10) Get the mummy trapped in the bottom, you’ll probably have to do this in bet
ween moving the last two stones.
11) Push the jewel to the right into the transporter