以下全文 轉貼自http://blog.udn.com/alexandroslee/3292405#reply_list[李東昇的感慨]台灣媒體太弱智了吧!
mental_floss is a bi-monthly American magazine, launched in 2001[1] in Birmingham, Alabama, that presents facts and trivia in a humorous way. It includes columns by A.J. Jacobs and Ken Jennings.
The magazine frequently publishes books and sells T-shirts with humorous sayings, such as "There's no right way to eat a Rhesus". In addition, there is a licensed trivia board game much like Trivial Pursuit. Most recently, the magazine began the In a Box series with Law School in a Box and Med School in a Box.
The magazine also offers a popular blog site that include pieces from the magazine and Uncle John's Bathroom Reader. It also includes new internet memes, news articles and weekly link round ups.
For the record: mental_floss magazine is an intelligent read, but not too intelligent. We're the sort of intelligent that you hang out with for a while, enjoy our company, laugh a little, smile a lot and then we part ways. Great times. And you only realize how much you learned from us after a little while. Like a couple days later when you're impressing your friends with all these intriguing facts and things you picked up from us, and they ask you how you know so much, and you think back on that great afternoon you spent with us and you smile.
And then you lie and say you read a lot.
如果這樣還看不懂 這是一本 諷刺的雜誌
與馬總統並列為五大全球最具膽識領袖的還有德國總理梅克爾(Angela Merkel)、烏干達總統穆塞維尼(Yoweri Museveni)、巴西總統魯拉(Luis InacioLula da Silva)與智利總統巴舍萊(MichelleBachelet)。
Sept-Oct 2009: The 5 Gutsiest World Leaders
The World's Gutsiest Leaders
By Jennifer Drapkin
Whether they're healing a tortured nation, conquering AIDS, uniting Europe, galvanizing Latin America, or wooing China, these heads of state are proving that they have what it takes to change the world.
我提供部分 內文
Our new cover story on leaders is filled with the bold ideas and strange measures that politicians have taken to try and better their countries. But part of what makes the piece so fascinating is that all of these men and women have had unbelievable lives. Their stories sound so unlikely– from a hippie, folk-singing doctor who escaped torture to become president, to an East German scientist and daughter of a pastor who walked over the Berlin wall and was so moved that she felt compelled to go into politics. The stories are incredible, but my favorite is that of Lula da Silva. This is just an excerpt from one of the profiles in that story.
The End of Poverty: Lula da Silva
President of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva goes by one name, Lula. Because, like Beyoncé and Bono, he’s just that popular. With an approval rating approaching 80 percent, he is the most beloved president in the history of modern Brazil. Of course, he is not without his critics. Lula’s detractors call him an uneducated rabble-rouser, who curses, drinks, and smokes on airplanes—all of which is true. But to his adoring fans—the millions who chant his name over and over like a crowd at a soccer match—Lula is a hero who vowed to end poverty and then stayed true to his word. This is how he waged his war, and why China and India are copying his battle plan.
The Miraculous Bag of Money
Born to illiterate parents in 1945, Lula started out life in a hut with no electricity and only dirt floors to sleep on. At age 7, he sold peanuts on the streets of Sao Paulo to help support his family. They often went hungry, mostly because his father was an abusive alcoholic who had a second family and a total of 23 offspring. When Lula was 10, his mother, Lindu, decided she’d had enough. She gathered her seven children and moved them to a single room in the back of a local bar. But she still couldn’t keep up with the rent.
The situation looked dire until a miracle occurred: Lula’s brother found a package lying on the ground at the market. Inside was more money than a minimum-wage laborer could make in three years. After waiting a week for someone to claim it, Lula’s brother gave the package to Lindu. She used the extra cash to move the family to a nearby industrial suburb. Life was still hard, but the move brought opportunities. Lula learned to read and eventually received vocational training as a metalworker.
引述 台灣新聞原文
與馬總統並列為五大全球最具膽識領袖的還有德國總理梅克爾(Angela Merkel)、烏干達總統穆塞維尼(Yoweri Museveni)、巴西總統魯拉(Luis InacioLula da Silva)與智利總統巴舍萊(MichelleBachelet)。