[據美國《軍用航宇電子》網站2011年4月中旬報導]美國海軍採用“螺旋”3(Spiral 3)佈局的升級型EP-3E已經獲批開始小批量初始生產(LRIP),L-3公司負責為3架EP-3E生產並安裝升級型ISR(情報、監視和偵察)任務航電組件。作為“螺旋”3改進的一部分,L-3公司將安裝先進的通信情報(COMINT)設備,取代老化的感測器,並增強飛機的網路能力。這些升級將改進EP-3E的機載資料分析能力,並提供即時的戰術情報分發能力。
L-3平臺綜合公司代理總裁Nick Farah表示,“EP-3E‘螺旋’3專案將證明在面臨威脅之前引入新技術的重要性,該項目將使EP-3E能夠借助網路中心技術應對新的作戰需求。”(中國航空工業發展研究中心 許鑫家)
L-3 Approved for Low-Rate Initial Production of EP-3E Spiral 3 Aircraft
(Source: L-3 Communications; issued April 15, 2011)
NEW YORK --- L-3 Communications announced today that its Platform Integration division has been approved to begin low-rate initial production (LRIP) of the U.S. Navy’s EP-3E Spiral 3-configured aircraft, featuring an upgraded intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) mission avionics suite. Under the LRIP program, L-3 will manufacture and install this new capability on three EP-3E aircraft.
The successful completion of developmental testing using the L-3-modified prototype EP-3E Spiral 3-configured aircraft provided the basis for the Navy’s LRIP decision. The operational test phase of this project is currently underway, after which a full-rate production decision will be made regarding the modifications of the remaining aircraft in the EP-3E fleet to the Spiral 3 configuration.
“The EP-3E Spiral 3 program continues to demonstrate the importance of using proven and validated technology insertion to stay ahead of threats,” said Nick Farah, acting president of L-3 Platform Integration. “This approach ensures the high-demand EP-3E fleet can meet emerging operational needs using innovative network-centric technology that is adaptable to other platforms.”
As part of the Spiral 3 modification, L-3 will install state-of-the-art communications intelligence (COMINT) equipment, replacing aging and obsolete sensors and increasing the aircraft’s networking capabilities. These modifications improve onboard data analysis and provide real-time tactical intelligence dissemination.
L-3 began design of the Spiral 3 improvements in late 2007, delivering the prototype used for testing in 2010.
L-3 Platform Integration provides complex integration services for military, commercial and OEM customers at its aircraft integration facility in Waco, Texas. Its products and services include avionics and aircraft modernization, flight sciences engineering and certification, MRO, major modifications, VIP interior completion, and serving as prime contractor for the C-27J Joint Cargo Aircraft.
Headquartered in New York City, L-3 Communications employs approximately 63,000 people worldwide and is a prime contractor in C3ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) systems, aircraft modernization and maintenance, and government services. L-3 is also a leading provider of a broad range of electronic systems used on military and commercial platforms. The company reported 2010 sales of $15.7 billion.