法新社╱郭無患 2007-12-23 10:35
FBI building vast biometric database
Sat Dec 22, 2:21 PM ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US Federal Investigation Bureau is hoarding mugshots, handprints and fingerprints to make the world's biggest database of physical characteristics for security identification, a spokesman said Saturday.
Richard Kolko confirmed a report by the Washington Post of the project, which if successfully completed would give the US government unprecedented ability to identify suspects around the world.
"We are consistently trying to update and improve the process and way to collect information," he told AFP, adding that there would be an emphasis on privacy rights, a controversial aspect of the United States' drive to gather data for security.
The report said the FBI plans to award a 10-year contract to significantly expand the amount and type of biometric information it receives, and was already storing millions of fingerprints in the database at a secure FBI complex in West Virginia.
Investigators would be able to use data to identify criminals by their irises, the shape of their face, scars and even the way they walk and talk, the report said, citing the FBI's information services division operating the project.
Kolko said the FBI aimed to take advantage of new technology in its data gathering. The Post said the project would cost a billion dollars, but Kolko could not confirm the figures involved.
US authorities have already been collecting iris scans, fingerprints and mugshots from detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan among others. They also scan fingerprints, and in some cases irises, of arrivals at US airports.
The vast underground complex housing the database that the FBI is developing already contains 55 million sets of electronic fingerprints, the newspaper said.
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