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紐時摘譯:通膨破表 辛巴威有錢也沒用


In Zimbabwe, a Collapse So Complete Money Is Useless

通膨破表 辛巴威有錢也沒用

By Celia W. Dugger

HARARE, ZimbabweZimbabwe is in the grip of one of the great hyperinflations in world history. The people of this once proud capital have been plunged into a struggle to get by.

Like countless Zimbabweans, Rose Moyo has calculated the price of goods by the number of days she had to spend in line at the bank to withdraw cash to buy them: a day for a bar of soap; another for a bag of salt; and four for a sack of cornmeal.

The maximum withdrawal allow by the government rose on September 29, but with inflation surpassing what independent economists say is an almost unimaginable 40 million percent, Mrs. Moyo said the value of the new amount would quickly be a pittance, too.

“It’s survival of the fittest,” said Mrs. Moyo, 29, a hair braider who sells the greens she grows in her yard for a dime a bunch. “If you’re not fit, you will starve.”

Economists here and abroad say Zimbabwe’s economic collapse is gaining velocity, radiating instability into the heart of southern Africa. As the bankrupt government prints ever more money, inflation has gone wild, rising from 1,000 percent in 2006 to 12,000 percent in 2007 to a figure so high the government had to lop 10 zeros off the currency in August to keep the nation’s calculators from being overwhelmed. (Had it left the currency alone, $1 would now be worth about 10 trillion Zimbabwean dollars.)

In fact, Zimbabwe’s hyperinflation is probably among the five worst of all time, said Jeffrey D. Sachs, an economics professor at Columbia University in New York.

Making matters worse, cash itself has become scarce. Business executives and diplomats say Zimbabwe’s central bank governor, Gideon Gono, desperate for foreign currency to stoke the governing party’s patronage machine, sends runners into the streets with suitcases of the nation’s currency to buy up American dollars and South African rand on the black market – drying up Zimbabwean dollars that would otherwise go to the banks.

Economists say that the only thing that can halt Zimbabwe’s inflationary spiral is a political solution that takes control over the country’s economy out of the hands of Robert Mugabe, the 84-year-old president who still maintains a viselike hold on power after 28 years in office. “This is the end of the endgame,” Professor Sachs said.

Mr. Mugabe, who lives in splendor here in a mansion hidden behind high walls, and the opposition leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, signed a power-sharing agreement, but they are still negotiating the terms of the deal.

Basic public services are breaking down on an ever larger scale as tens of thousands of teachers, nurses, garbage collectors and janitors have simply stopped reporting to their jobs because their salaries, more worthless literally by the hour, no longer cover the cost of taking the bus to work.

Tendai Chikowore, president of the Zimbabwe Teachers Association, a teachers’ union, said a teacher’s monthly pay was not even enough to buy two bottles of cooking oil. “This is a collapse of the system, and it’s not only for teachers,” she said. “At the hospitals, there are no nurses, no drugs.”

Zimbabweans have a legendary ability to make do despite extraordinary hardship, and the money sent home by millions of their compatriots who have fled abroad to escape political repression and economic deprivation continues to sustain many of them. But the deteriorating conditions are creating pressures for a renewed exodus.

Among those thinking of leaving is Fortunate Nyabinde, whose salary of $3,600 Zimbabwean dollars a month does not even pay for four days of bus fare to her job at Parirenyatwa Hospital.

Yet, for now, she keeps going to work, wheeling a trolley of cornmeal porridge from ward to ward, mostly because she can eke out an extra 20 cents a day by selling basic necessities to patients that the hospital usually does not have in stock: toilet paper, toothpaste, soap.

“If they come to the hospital without anything, they will have to buy from us,” Ms. Nyabinde said.

Zimbabwe’s economic unraveling has accelerated since the chaotic, often violent invasions of thousands of white-owned farms by Mr. Mugabe’s supporters began in 2000 as part of a land reform effort. The big farms now produce less than a tenth the corn of what they did in the 1990s, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization reported in June.

And in a country that used to have an education system that was the pride of the continent, the schools that Mrs. Nyabinde’s two children attend are now empty of teachers. So she sends them to Stella Muponda, a teacher who quit her public school job last year, for a couple of hours of instruction a day. The money Mrs. Nyabinde pays Mrs. Muponda is now worth only about 40 cents, enough for a single bread roll.

Mrs. Muponda kept saying, “I only wish I could get a decent job.”



辛巴威曾是非洲最富有的國家,被譽為模範經濟體,也是產糧區(bread basket),近年來屢屢成為國際媒體新聞焦點,卻主要是因為令人咋舌的(astonishing)超高通貨膨脹率(hyperinflation)。

文中提到辛巴威通膨率為百分之4,000 萬。根據9 日的外電報導,辛巴威官方公布的7 月通膨年增率(annual inflation 高達百分之2.31 億,比6 月的通膨年增率百分之1,120 萬大幅惡化,是糧食漲價所致。通膨率出現這種天文數字(astronomical figure),可謂史上空前(unprecedented in history)。

許多國際觀察家把辛巴威的經濟亂象歸咎於(attribute to)穆加比總統的政策。幾年前,他實施土地改革,將白人擁有的農場充公,轉交(hand them over to)給往往缺乏農作技術的黑人經營,引發外資(foreign investors)撤離,辛巴威經濟開始急轉直下(became nosedived)。

為了因應超高通膨,辛巴威政府今年以來多次發行新鈔,最早於1 月發行面額(denomination1,000 萬的紙鈔(banknote),隨後再推出面額5,000 萬的紙鈔。到6 月,紙鈔面額已高達數百億,仍不敷需要,面額1,000 億的紙鈔旋於7 21 日發行。但1,000 億辛元在黑市只相當於1 美元,只夠買一條麵包。在這篇10 月初見報的報導中,一條麵包只值約40 美分(見倒數第二段),辛國經濟崩盤(meltdown)導致貨幣貶值(devaluate)速度之快,可見一斑。Meltdown 原指核子反應爐爐心熔毀,在口語中也指經濟崩潰、股價暴跌,近來各國金融危機沸沸揚揚,這個字成了英文報導常用也很實用的字。

2008-10-14/聯合報/G5/UNITED DAILY NEWS 夏嘉玲 原文請見1014紐時周報四版上

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