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2008/06/25 11:09 瀏覽3,115|回應0推薦0


R. Buckminster Fuller And the Inventor’s Life


By James Sterngold

PALO ALTO, California – AS the designer R. Buckminster Fuller liked to tell it, his powerful creative vision was born of a moment of deep despair at the age of 32. A self-described ne’er-do-well, twice ejected from Harvard University, a failure in business and a heavy drinker, he trudged to the Chicago lakefront one day in 1927 and contemplating suicide. But an inner voice interrupted, telling him that he had a mission to discover great truths, all for the good of humankind.

That was the pivot on which, he claimed, his life turned. The onetime loser entered a period of deep reflection, then emerged bursting with creativity as he developed the “Dymaxion” inventions: technologies that he said would transform housing, transportation, urban organization and, eventually, the human condition. From 1927 on, Fuller seemed utterly self-assured, even messianic, as he developed innovations like the geodesic dome, equal parts engineering élan and poetry.

Those pioneering creations will be on display this summer in “Buckminster Fuller: Starting With the Universe,” a sprawling show at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York that testifies to the wide-ranging intellectual curiosity of Fuller (1895-1983).

But recent research has shed new light on Fuller’s inner life. In particular, it now appears that the suicide story may have been yet another invention, a myth that served to cover up a formative period that was far more tumultuous and unstable, for far longer, than Fuller ever revealed.

That is one insights gleaned by researchers who are exploring his personal archives, deposited in 1999 at the Stanford University library by his family. Fuller collected nearly every scrap of paper that ever passed through his hands, including letters that raise questions about the suicide story.

“If you really look for the details of his life at the time, it’s easy to see that the suicide story was a creation,” said Barry Katz, a Stanford historian who wrote a study in the forthcoming book “Reassessing R. Buckminster Fuller,” co-editor by Hsiao-Yun Chu, a former assistant curator of the papers.

In 1927 Fuller, living in Chicago, and his wife, Anne, in New York, exchanged almost daily letters and telegrams. Not one makes reference either to thoughts of death or to an epiphany.

Instead, Mr. Katz said, he found signs of depression and anxiety stretching from the time Fuller’s first daughter, Alexandra, died in 1922, through his financial failures and, finally, the collapse of a torrid extramarital romance in 1931. Still, the suicide story seemed to serve a purpose.

“It gave a trajectory to his career,” Mr. Katz said. “The story was constructed after the fact to show how he suddenly developed these new ideas. I think he came to believe the story himself.”

Fuller’s daughter, Allegra Fuller Snyder, a retired professor of dance at the University of California, Los Angeles, said she was not surprised to learn that the 1927 epiphany may not have been literally true. “It was a kind of parable of his interior thinking, really,” she said.

She recounted another occasion on which he had seemed to find inspiration at a dark moment. Fuller had tried to turn an idea for prefabricated housing into a business after World War II by teaming with the Beech Aircraft Company and other investors. But in 1946, after prototypes were built, the project collapsed.

Ms. Snyder recalled her father coming home to their small apartment utterly despondent. She said she went to bed then got up in the morning only to find that he had been up all night working at a small wooden table.

“I remember very well that he was talking about this new thing, the geodesic dome,” she said. “That’s what he said to me.

For all his creative energy, Fuller’s legacy is slippery. By conventional measures he accomplished little. His soaring geodesic domes have been used – memorably for the United States pavilion at Expo 67 in Montreal – but never for the large-scale projects he envisioned, like the dome he hoped would cover most of Manhattan.

Yet Fuller had great influence through his design principles and his lectures and writings. His book “Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth” helped make him a symbol of the counterculture.

As Mr. Katz put it, “Fuller’s greatest invention was not a house or a car or a dome. It was himself.”


學者說,本文主角富勒是建築師(architect)、詩人(poet)與發明家(inventor),更是一位熱心傳講設計與科學知識的「公眾知識分子」(public intellectual)。


學者發現,在外人面前自信十足(self-assured),彷彿以救世主自居(messianic)的富勒,曾在大張繪圖紙上書寫,坦承自己因為婚外情關係(extramarital romance)破裂而精神崩潰(nervous breakdown)。

那個很可能是憑空編造的自殺故事,似乎有個目的(The suicide story seemed to serve a purpose.),就是創造迷思(myth),藉以解釋他創造力的來源(the origin of his creativity)。

Epiphany 原指神顯靈(the appearance of a divine being),也可單指基督教信仰中的主顯節,現在常用於形容靈光乍現或突然領悟、開竅(a sudden moment of understanding / a sudden realization)。

Parable 是闡釋道德或宗教教訓的簡短故事(a brief story that illustrates amoral or religious lesson),亦即寓言。其意思接近fable。一般而言,Parable不像fable會把動物、無生命的自然現象當作跟人類一樣會說話的故事角色,不過這種分別有時也不太明顯。


2008-06-24/聯合報/G6/UNITED DAILY NEWS 王先棠 原文請見624紐時周報七版右上

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