BALTIMORE, Maryland – Mario Livio tossed his car keys in the air. They rose ever more slowly, paused, shining, at the top of their arc, and then in accordance with everything our Galilean ape brains have ever learned to expect, crashed back down into his hand.
That was the whole problem, explained Dr. Livio, a theorist at the Space Telescope Science Institute here on the Johns Hopkins campus.
A decade ago, astronomers discovered that what is true for your car keys is not true for the galaxies. Having been impelled apart by the force of the Big Bang, the galaxies, in defiance of cosmic gravity, are picking up speed on a dash toward eternity. If they were keys, they would be shooting for the ceiling.
“That is how shocking this was,” Dr. Livio said.
It is still shocking. Although cosmologists have adopted a cute name, dark energy, for whatever is driving this apparently antigravitational behavior on the part of the universe, nobody claims to understand why it is happening, or its implications for the future of the universe and of the life within it. It has led some cosmologists to the verge of abandoning their fondest dream: a theory that can account for the universe and everything about it in a single breath.
“The discovery of dark energy has greatly changed how we think about the laws of nature,” said Edward Witten, a theorist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.
This fall, NASA and the U.S. Department of Energy plan to invite proposals for a $600 million satellite mission devoted to dark energy. But some scientists fear that might not be enough. When astronomers and physicists gathered at the Space Telescope Science Institute recently to take stock of the revolution, their despair of getting an answer to the dark energy mystery anytime soon, if ever, was palpable.
Cosmologists have recently arrived at a robust but dark consensus regarding our cosmos. It was born 13.7 billion years ago in the Big Bang. By weight it is 4 percent atoms and 22 percent so-called dark matter of unknown identity–perhaps elementary particles that will be discovered at the Large Hadron Collider starting up outside Geneva this year. That leaves 74 percent for the weight of whatever began causing the cosmos to accelerate about five billion years ago.
As far as astronomers can tell, there is no relation between dark matter, the particles, and dark energy other than the name, but you never know. There is in fact a simple explanation for the dark energy, Dr. Witten pointed out, one whose tangled history goes all the way back to Einstein, but it is also the most troubling.
In 1917, Einstein invented the cosmological constant, a sort of cosmic repulsion to balance gravity and keep the universe in balance. He abandoned his constant when the universe was discovered to be expanding, but quantum physics resurrected it by showing that empty space should be foaming with energy that had the properties of Einstein’s constant.
Alas, all attempts to calculate the amount of this energy come up with an unrealistically huge number, enough energy to blow away the contents of the cosmos like leaves in a storm before stars or galaxies could form. Nothing could live there.
Something was missing in physicists’ understanding of physics, the logic went. The constant was really zero for deep reasons that, when revealed, would lead physicists closer to an understanding of what they call “the vacuum,” that is to say, the structure of reality.
“It seems now that the answer is not really zero,” Dr. Witten said.
Einstein’s constant is the most economical explanation for dark energy, Dr. Witten said. The others, involving new force fields or tinkering with Einstein’s gravity, raise more questions than they answer. But if dark energy is the cosmological constant, it is smaller than predicted by a shocking factor of 1060.
Dr. Witten suggested that maybe physicists should give up trying to explain that number and look instead for a theory that generates all kinds of universes.
That idea has been given mathematical form by string theory, which portrays the constituents of nature as tiny wriggling strings, an elegant idea that in principle explains all the forces of nature but in practice leads to at least 10500 potential universes.
Dr. Witten allowed that dark energy might have transformed this fecundity from a vice into a virtue, a way to generate universes where you can find any cosmological constant you want. We just live in one where life is possible. “This interpretation of string theory might be close to the truth,” Dr. Witten said. But that truth comes at a cost.
“Before the discovery of the dark energy, quantum physicists tended to assume that the ‘vacuum’ we live in has some deep meaning that reflects nature’s deepest secrets,” Dr. Witten said. But if ours is only one of a zillion in a haystack, there is nothing special about it.
It could still turn out that dark energy is some as-yet-undiscovered “fifth force,” say, or the result of not understanding gravity.
“I’d be happy if that happened,” Dr. Witten said. “Our reward would be to go back to where we were, not understanding the cosmological constant.”
Galaxy指大星團及所屬充斥宇宙的物質,或稱星雲、小宇宙;宇宙中,這種星團不計其數。Gala希臘文milk之意,所以galaxy也是milky way,但泛指包括太陽系在內的整個銀河系則為The Milky Way galaxy,必須大寫。文中提及的the galaxies應是一般的星團或星雲。
第三段,what is true for your car keys is not true for...是一種邏輯語法(logic syntax),整個what子句是個「真」(true)命題敘述(descriptive proposition),與述部(predicate)的「假」(not true / false)命題相對。用白話說,就是「汽車鑰匙是這樣,星團卻不見得」。
作者指出, 部分宇宙論者(cosmologists)希望能有一種足以解釋宇宙萬象(account for the universe)的理論,但這個美夢在10年前卻因黑暗能量(dark energy)的發現而幻滅。原來宇宙自137億年前因大爆炸(the Big Bang)而生,星團便不斷受黑暗能量排擠,向外膨脹,奔向永恆(dash toward eternity),就連物理學大師愛因斯坦也承認宇宙不斷在膨脹,被迫放棄他在1917年發明,認為宇宙會趨於均衡的宇宙常數(cosmological constant )。
有趣的是, 量子物理學家(quantum physics)卻證明了空空的太空(empty space)裡面,其實充滿具備宇宙常數特質的能量,讓這個愛因斯坦的棄嬰起死回生(resurrected)。
2008-06-17/聯合報/G6版/UNITED DAILY NEWS 蔡繼光 原文請見6月17日紐時周報六版頭條