GUANGZHOU, China – Nearly a decade after some of the most powerful companies in the world – often under considerable criticism and consumer pressure – began an effort to eliminate sweatshop labor conditions in Asia, worker abuse is still commonplace in many of the Chinese factories that supply Western companies, according to labor rights groups.
The groups say some Chinese companies routinely shortchange their employees on wages, withhold health benefits and expose their workers to dangerous machinery and harmful chemicals, like lead, cadmium and mercury.
“If these things are so dangerous for the consumer, then how about the workers?” said Anita Chan, a labor rights advocate who teaches at the Australian National University. And so while American and European consumers worry about exposing their children to Chinese-made toys coated in lead, Chinese workers, often as young as 16, face far more serious hazards.
In 2007, factories that supplied more than a dozen corporations, including Wal-Mart, Disney and Dell, were accused of unfair labor practices, including using child labor, forcing employees to work 16-hour days on fast-moving assembly lines, and paying workers less than minimum wage. (Minimum wage in this part of China is about 55 cents an hour.)
No company has come under as harsh a spotlight as Wal-Mart, the world’s biggest retailer, which sourced about $9 billion in goods from China in 2006.
In December, two nongovernmental organizations, or NGOs, documented what they said were abuse and labor violations at 15 factories that produce or supply goods for Wal-Mart – including the use of child labor at Huanya Gifts, a factory here in Guangzhou that makes Christmas tree ornaments.
Wal-Mart officials say they are investigating the allegations, which were in a report issued in December by the National Labor Committee, a New York-based NGO.
The National Labor Committee criticized Wal-Mart for not doing more to protect workers. The group charged that last July, Huanya recruited about 500 16-year-old high school students to work seven days a week, often 15 hours a day, during peak production months for holiday merchandise.
“At Wal-Mart, Christmas ornaments are cheap, and so are the lives of the young workers in China who make them,” the National Labor Committee report said.
Many multinationals were harshly criticized in the 1990s for using suppliers that maintained sweatshop conditions. Iconic brand names, like Nike, Mattel and Gap, responded by forming corporate social responsibility operations and working with contractors to create a system of factory audits and inspections. Those changes have won praise in some quarters for improving worker conditions.
But despite spending millions of dollars and hiring thousands of auditors, some companies acknowledge that many of the programs are flawed.
Some factories are warned about audits beforehand and some factory owners or managers bribe auditors. Inexperienced inspectors may also be a problem.
Many labor experts say part of the problem is cost: Western companies are constantly pressing their Chinese suppliers for lower prices while also insisting that factory owners spend more to upgrade operations, treat workers properly and improve product quality.
At the same time, rising food, energy and raw material costs in China – as well as a shortage of labor in the biggest southern manufacturing zones – are hampering factory owners’ ability to make a profit.
The situation may get worse before it improves. A Chinese labor law that took effect on Jan. 1 makes it more difficult to dismiss workers and creates a whole new set of laws that experts say will almost certainly increase labor costs.
At the center of the problem is a labor system that relies on young migrant workers, who often leave small rural villages for two- or three-year stints at factories, where they hope to earn enough to return home to start families.
As long as life in the cities promises more money than in rural areas, they will brave the harsh conditions in factories in this and other Chinese cities. And as long as China outlaws independent unions and proves unable to enforce its own labor rules, there is little hope for change.
There is little that any Western company can do about those issues, no matter how seriously they take corporate social responsibility – other than leaving China.
本文主旨是西方企業基於企業社會責任(corporate social responsibility),要求中國大陸包商(contractor)善待員工,但大陸各地血汗工廠(sweatshop)剝削勞工(worker abuse)情事仍時有所聞。
所謂血汗工廠,是指工廠以低薪雇用工人,甚至童工(child labor),在不利健康或壓榨的環境中從事長時間勞動的工作場所。
文中提到美國勞工權益團體「全國勞工委員會」去年12月發布題為「沃爾瑪給您來自中國血汗工廠的耶誕節(A Wal-Mart Christmas Brought to You from a Sweatshop in China)」的報告指出,中國主要耶誕飾品製造商環亞禮品(Huanya Gifts)公司為了趕工替沃瑪爾製造耶誕節飾品(Christmas ornament),雇用未成年學生每天工作長達15小時,且連續數月完全不給休假(off day),若請假1天要倒扣(dock)2天半工資。
報告還說,中國大陸的法定最低工資(legal minimum wage)是每小時0.55美元(約台幣17.7元),但環亞禮品公司給工人的平均時薪0.49美元(約新台幣15.8元),部分工人甚至時薪僅0.26美元(約新台幣8元),不到法定最低標準的一半。負責替飾品噴上噴漆(spray paint)的工人皮膚都會起疹子(rashes),資方不但拒絕支付醫藥費(medical bill),也不准請病假(sick leave)。
2008-01-21/聯合報/B4版/New York Times 陳宜君 原文請見1月21日紐時周報五版頭條