The jaguar, Panthera onca – the largest cat in the Americas and the third largest in the world – still prowls the rangelands of the Pantanal, a 190,000-square-kilometer mosaic of rivers, forests and seasonally flooded savannas that spill from Brazil into neighboring Bolivia and Paraguay.
From the jaguar’s perspective, this vast, wildlife-rich area probably seems close to a slice of heaven – or, at least it would if the big cats were not routinely hunted down in retaliation for cattle losses.
The importance of the Pantanal was emphasized last October when Thomas Kaplan, executive chairman of the foundation Panthera, an emerging force in big cat conservation, finalized the purchase of two large ranches and signed an agreement to buy a third, creating a property that will soon total more than 160,000 hectares.
The ranches, which will be run by Panthera, are particularly important because they connect previously isolated wildlife preserves. Now, jaguars will be able to travel safely from one sanctuary to the other.
Dr. Kaplan, an entrepreneur and financier who in 2006 founded Panthera, said that the plan was to continue running cattle on the ranches while testing a broad range of techniques for reducing livestock-jaguar interactions. The results, he hopes, will encourage others to adopt range management practices that encourage co-existence over conflict.
At stake in the Pantanal, conservationists say, is a significant fraction – perhaps 15 percent – of the world’s remaining population of jaguars.
Cattle ranching and jaguar conservation do not need to be mutually exclusive, said Alan Rabinowitz, executive director of the science and exploration program at the Wildlife Conservation Society, based in the Bronx, New York.
“Cattle open up the landscape,” Dr. Rabinowitz said, and enhance habitat for the jaguar’s wild prey. “If you were to take out the cattle and let large areas revert to scrubby vegetation, you’d have far fewer jaguars in the Pantanal than you do today.”
Jaguars can also provide ranchers with an additional source of income. For example, several ranches in the Pantanal run ecotourism operations that have turned a liability into a valuable asset.
Conservationists say that the next decade will be pivotal for jaguars, in the Pantanal and throughout its range, which runs from northern Argentina to the borderlands shared by Mexico and the United States. No one knows the precise rate at which the number of jaguars is declining or just how many jaguars there are. But the World Conservation Union estimates the total free-ranging population at fewer than 50,000 adults and classifies the animal as near threatened.
Even though jaguars kill and eat cattle, they do so less often than one might imagine.
Over the course of nearly two years, Fernando Azevedo, a postdoctoral fellow at the University if São Paulo, and his field assistants collared 11 adult jaguars and tracked their movements. They also methodically collected their scats and examined the carcasses of their prey.
The contents of the scats revealed that the giant rodents known as capybaras were the jaguars’ most common prey, followed by caimans and marsh deer. Of 113 carcasses confirmed as jaguar kills, capybaras made up 35; caimans, 23, and cattle, 32.
Dr. Azevedo then measured the cattle that were killed against a larger background.
In all, 169 cattle deaths occurred at Fazenda San Francisco, a 12,000-hectare cattle ranch, rice farm and wildlife reserve during the study period, he and his former thesis adviser, Dennis Murray of Trent University in Canada, reported in the September issue of The Journal of Wildlife Management. Nineteen percent were lost to jaguars. Out of a 5,000-head cattle herd, the jaguar’s take amounted to less than 1 percent.
Nonetheless, problem jaguars do exist. Some conservationists concede that hunting a problem animal may sometimes be a solution.
But in the Pantanal, jaguar hunting is also part of a tradition as deeply ingrained as fox hunting once was in the English countryside – except that here, it is not the affluent landowners who most enthusiastically join the chase but their employees, the Pantaneiro cowboys.
For them, jaguar hunting is a form of entertainment, said Sandra Cavalcanti, a jaguar expert who will soon receive her Ph.D. from Utah State University. “Killing a jaguar is considered a manly thing to do,” Ms. Cavalcanti said.
Later this year, Ms. Cavalcanti, who has joined the staff that Panthera is assembling, hopes to begin addressing this problem by starting a cowboy outreach program, which could include things like medical services, instruction in range management and depredation control.
Given the stakes, Ms. Cavalcanti said, researchers no longer have the luxury to just study these elegantly patterned beasts. To save them, she said, “we have to act.”
學名為Panthera onca的美洲豹,為大自然的掠食者(predator),但保育人士(conservationist)憂心,世界最大的巴西濕地(wetland)潘特納爾(Pantanal)的美洲豹,可能因持續遭到獵殺(hunt down)而有銳減(in sharp decline)之虞。
儘管在保育等級中,美洲豹僅被列為(classify)「瀕臨生存威脅」(near threatened),屬於低危險級(lower risk),作者指出,由於獵豹是潘特納爾的傳統,牛仔認為它是很man的行為(a manly thing to do),如果這項人與動物的衝突(conflict)無法解決,美洲豹很快將步上亞洲虎(Asian tigers)與非洲獅(African lions)後塵(trace a similar trajectory)。
除了獵豹是傳統的娛樂(entertainment),美洲豹會攻擊牧場的牛,是牠變成獵物(prey)的另一原因。但保育人士再次認為,牧牛(cattle ranching)與美洲豹保育(conservation)不一定相互排斥(mutually exclusive),並指稱如果沒有牛,今天美洲豹數目可能更少。
2008-01-14/聯合報/B6版/NEW YORK TIMES 王麗娟 原文請見1月14日紐時周報六版右上