THE enduring image of Southeast Asia’s Golden Triangle is of brightly colored poppy fields, opium-smoking hill tribes and heroin labs hidden in the jungle.
But the reality is that after years of producing the largest share of the world’s opium, the Golden Triangle is now only has a small role in the global heroin trade.
“The mystique may remain, and the geography will be celebrated in the future by novelists,” said Antonio Maria Costa, executive director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. “But from our vantage point, we see a region that is rapidly moving toward an opium-free status.”
The decline of the Golden Triangle is a major, if little noticed, milestone in the war on drugs. The question now is whether that success can be sustained.
Three decades ago, the northernmost reaches of Laos, Thailand and Myanmar produced more than 70 percent of all the opium sold worldwide, most of which was refined into heroin. Today the area produces about 5 percent of the world total, says Mr. Costa’s agency.
What happened?
Economic pressure from China, crackdowns on opium farmers, and a switch by criminal syndicates to methamphetamine production, appear to have had the biggest impact. At the same time, some insurgent groups that once were financed with drug money now say they are urging farmers to eradicate their poppy fields.
As a result, the Golden Triangle has been eclipsed by the Golden Crescent – the poppy-growing area in and around Afghanistan that is now the source of an estimated 92 percent of the world’s opium, according to the United Nations.
This shift to Afghanistan has had major consequences for the global heroin market: a near doubling of opium production worldwide in less than two decades. Poppies grown in the fertile valleys of southern Afghanistan yield on average four times more opium than those grown in upland Southeast Asia.
A striking aspect of the decline of the Golden Triangle is the role China has played in pressing opium-growing regions to eradicate poppy crops. A major market for Golden Triangle heroin, China has seen a spike in addicts and H.I.V. infections from contaminated needles.
The area of Myanmar along the Chinese border, which once produced about 30 percent of the country’s opium, was declared opium-free last year by the United Nations. Local authorities, who are from the Wa tribe and are autonomous from Myanmar’s central government, have banned poppy cultivation and welcomed Chinese investment in rubber, sugar cane and tea plantations, casinos and other businesses.
Myanmar remains the world’s second-leading source of opium but is a distant second; its production declined by 80 percent over the last decade.
In Laos, the government began a crackdown in the 1990s to increase its international credibility and because officials realized their own children were at risk, said Leik Boonwaat, the representative in Laos for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Laos finally outlawed opium in 1996.
The government, Mr. Boonwaat said, also saw that opium did little to help poor farmers who grew poppies. “It’s mostly the organized crime syndicates that made most of the profits,” he said.
The amount of land cultivated in Laos for opium has fallen 94 percent since 1998. Yet experts warn that the reductions may not hold unless farmers develop other ways to make a living.
Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy, an opium specialist at the National Center for Scientific Research in Paris, says it took Thailand 30 years to wean opium farmers from poppy production. The Thai royal family encouraged opium-growing hill tribes to use their cooler climate to produce coffee, macadamia nuts and green vegetables.
But, he said, “In Laos and Burma, we’ve had a very quick decrease.” He asked, “Is it going to last?”
本文主題是東南亞金三角的鴉片經濟(the opium economy of the Golden Triangle)。
寮國、泰國、緬甸三國的鴉片產地(opium-producing areas /opium-growing regions),因為供應利潤很高(lucrative / profitable) 的全球海洛因市場(global heroin market),成為罌粟農(poppy farmers)與犯罪集團(crime syndicates)的「淘金之地」。
不過,按照聯合國的說法,巴基斯坦、伊朗與阿富汗儼然已經成為新的毒品交易網路,阿富汗附近的金新月(the Golden Crescent)地區鴉片產量之多,讓排名第二的金三角顯得遙遙落後(a distant second)。
作者指出,中國對金三角地帶施加的經濟壓力(economic pressure from China)、地方當局對罌粟農的鎮壓(crackdowns)與犯罪集團轉而生產甲基安非他命(switch to methamphetamine production)是金三角風光不再的三大原因。
鴉片金三角式微雖是反毒大戰(war on drugs / war against drugs )的重要成果(a major achievement),但這是不是「可以持續成功」(a sustainable success),仍有待觀察。
Spike原指長而尖的釘子,作者用來形容中國毒癮者人數激增(a spike in addicts),此處spike意指「陡升」(a sharp rise),意同surge。例句:股價出現近兩年來最大升幅(The stock price saw its sharpest spike in two years.)。
Eradicate有「根絕」(root out /wipe out / to destroy completely)或「撲殺」(to kill in large numbers)之意。例句:奧運將至,北京當局希望能根除市民在公眾場合的不良習慣(Beijing wants to eradicate bad manners in public spaces ahead of the Olympics.)。
第3段的vantage point常指「觀看某物的有利位置」(a place from which something can be viewed);在本文意為「特定的看法或觀點」(a particular personal way of thinking or set of opinions.)。
倒數第2 段說,泰國花了3 0年才漸漸讓鴉片農放棄種植罌粟(It took Thailand 30 years to wean opium farmers from poppy production.)。Wean這個動詞原有「使嬰兒或年幼的哺乳類動物逐漸斷乳」(to gradually deprive infants / young mammals of mother’s milk)之意。例句:你應該決定何時讓嬰兒斷奶,開始吃固體食物(You should decide when to wean your baby to solid foods.)。不過,Wean在本文中指「緩慢減少」(to reduce slowly )。
2007-09-24/聯合報/B4版/UNITED DAILY NEWS 王先棠 原文請見9月24日紐時周報四版頭條