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Apr 30, 2007《紐時周報全文精譯》可瀏覽世界的未來手機


The pattern on a building in Tokyo is filled with information that can be read by a properly programmed cellphone with a camera. The technology can also be used for many other things, like buying airline tickets.

A Futuristic Cellphone To Navigate the World




It sounds like something out of a futuristic film: House hunters, driving past a for-sale sign, stop and point their cellphone at the sign. With a click, their cellphone screen displays the asking price, the number of bedrooms and baths and lots of other details about the house.



Media experts say that cellphones are quickly heading in this direction. New technology, already in use in parts of Asia but still in development in the United States, allows the phones to connect everyday objects with the Internet.



In their new incarnation, cellphones become a sort of digital remote control, as one CBS executive put it. The phone can read encoded information on everyday objects and translate that into videos, pictures or text files on its screen.  



The cellphone is the natural tool to combine the physical world with the digital world, that executive, Cyriac Roeding, the head of mobile-phone applications for CBS, said the other day. In Japan, McDonalds customers can already point their cellphones at the wrapping on their hamburgers and get nutrition information on their screens.



Users there can also point their phones at magazine ads to receive insurance quotes, and board airplanes using their phones rather than paper tickets. And film promoters can send their movie trailers from billboards. 



Big advertising and technology companies like Hewlett-Packard and the Publicis Groupe, an advertising conglomerate, are pushing to popularize the technology in America. 



Youve picked up this product, and you dont want to go back to your PC, said Tim Kindberg, a senior research at the Bristol, England, lab of Hewlett-Packard. Or youre outside this building, and you want more information. We call it the physical hyperlink.’” 



Cellphone technologies linking objects with the Web would reveal the digitally   encoded attributes of tangible things on grocery shelves or newsstands.



The most promising way to link cellphones with physical objects is a new   generation of bar codes: square-shaped mosaics of black and white boxes that can hold much more information than traditional bar codes. The cameras on cellphones scan the codes, and then the codes are translated into videos, music or text on the phone screens.



A popular use of the technology in Japan has been paperless airline tickets. About 10 percent of the people who take domestic flights of All Nippon Airways now use the codes on their cellphones instead of printed tickets.



The codes are a natural extension of print, said Nina Link, the president of the Magazine Publishers Association. How many times have you engaged with a magazine and youve seen something and youve said, Boy, Id really like to remember to get that information. And you have to remember to write down the U R L.



The technology would also allow advertisers to monitor the impact of their ads in old media like magazines and billboards by measuring how often their codes are clicked.



In the Philippines, the Daily Philippines newspaper has run ads with the codes. In Britain, News Group Newspapers, the division of the News Corporation that includes newspapers like The Sun, is testing the codes along with its sports articles. Readers can scan the code in the newspaper and then see videos relating to the article. Similarly, Economic Matin, a magazine in France, is testing the codes. 



Getting consumers to use technologies like these codes takes a lot of marketing by the carriers, said David Oberholzer, associate director of content programming at Verizon Wireless.  



The consumer needs a reason to do it, said Jim Levinger, chief executive of Nextcode, a bar code company. They dont just wake up and say, Hey, lets go scan some bar codes.’”




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