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Mar 19, 2007《紐時周報全文精譯》光頭男的頭髮保養


Bald men have many products to choose from, including Duke's Bald & Bold scalp serum. Below, the HeadBlade, made by a man who was frustrated with the contortions required to shave his head.

Hair Care for Those Men Without




For most of recent grooming history, having a totally baldpate was most likely for tough-looking guys. It wasn't a look for John over in accounting. But in the late 1980s, Michael Jordan shaved it all off. Soon, the world was examining the scalps of Bruce Willis, Andre Agassi, Moby and just about one token character on every TV show.



The response is a booming market of products being developed and sold specifically to the unhirsute a new front in the nearly $5 billion onslaught of male grooming products in the United States.



There are gels and ointments to help with the shave, to enhance the shine, to reduce the glare, to help with dryness or oiliness, to block the sun.  



"I'm a former comb-over wearer," confessed Howard Brauner, founder of the two-year-old company Bald Guyz, based in Manalapan, New Jersey. "I would spend half an hour in the morning making it look right, and then finally I just realized it was ridiculous. Once I decided to really go bald, my wife would get annoyed at me for using her expensive shampoos. But I had to use something to clean my head." 



Mr. Brauner now uses a head wash that's part of the line of products he developed in response to his wife's complaints. Bald Guyz also puts out pocket-size individual head wipes, for use on the go. And there is a conditioner. There are also scalp-specific sunblocks, like Bald Guyz's S.P.F. 30 sunblock gel. 


有兩種光頭男人買這些產品:把產品當成改善落髮情況的男人,以及把光頭當成一種生活方式的死硬派男人。後者從沒有掉髮經驗,自稱B.B.C.(Bald by Choice,選擇光頭)。

There are two types of hairless men buying these products: those who do it as a simple antidote to hair erosion and those more diehard types for whom hairlessness is a way of life. Those in the latter group, who have not experienced hair loss at all, call themselves B.B.C. or Bald by Choice. 



Bald Guyz targets the average guy who's made a choice to adopt this look. The products' packages feature photos and mini-bios of "real bald guys."



HeadBlade products, however, are aimed at more hardcore baldies. Sure, this lot might not be able to grow a full head of hair even if they wanted to but they wouldn't want to.



HeadBlade's founder, Todd Greene, said he developed the HeadBlade razor in the late 1990s after feeling frustrated with the hand and arm contortions involved in using a regular straight-handled safety razor on his head.



"The HeadBlade is like riding a small car on your head; a regular razor is like riding a unicycle," he said. "It makes for a faster shave because you can feel your head while you are shaving.



He said: "There's a huge head care market that's been ignored for years. Large companies are starting to say, 'We've maxed out the female skin care market, we need to educate men in order to sell them, too' - and part of that should mean selling to men who shave their heads.



本文精華於Kiss Radio聯播網「Kiss紐時周報」單元同步播出,播出時間是06:30及21:30,Kiss Radio各地頻率:竹苗93.3、中部99.7、嘉南97.1、高屏99.9。



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